Sunday, December 19, 2010

World Famous Leaders And There Passion For Makeup . . .

Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías is the President of Venezuela and a critic of neo liberalism, globalization, and United States foreign policy. There is one thing from USA he likes and that is Marilyn Manson.

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, better known by his maternal surname Zapatero or ZP, is the current Prime Minister of Spain and he is giving tribute to Cabaret.

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, known popularly as Lula is the thirty-fifth and current President of Brazil and he loves his national colors.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the sixth and current President and the main political leader of Iran and he loves purple.

Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi has been the de facto leader of Libya since a coup in 1969. Gaddafi has eight children, seven of them sons and one doughtier to borrow make up from.