Dermatitis Information and Treatment
Dermatitis is a non-contagious skin condition mainly caused by an allergic reaction or contact with an irritant due to the inflammation of the skin. Definite forms of dermatitis include contact dermatitis, eczema and hand eczema. Dermatitis is severely itchy, but scratching damages the brittle skin and exacerbates the problem so it is important for people with eczema to try to leave the area alone. Usual symptoms of dermatitis include redness and itching.Contact dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin by direct contact with an irritating element. Dermatitis influences about one in every five people at some time in their lives. Dermatitis or eczema is a awfully itchy skin condition that affects people who come from families with a history of suffering from hay fever and asthma.
In Dermatitis, the body keeps on making antibodies which end up in the skin to cause heavy itching. It usually affects the scalp. DH looks like small clump of red, itchy bumps. There are tiny water blisters, but these are rapidly scratched off. Dermatitis, also called eczema, is an inflammation of the skin. There are several different types. Usually, dermatitis describes swollen, reddened and itchy skin.
Seborrheic dermatitis may also affect the skin on other parts of the body, as the face and chest, and the creases of the arms, legs and groin. Atopic dermatitis is a chronic (long-lasting) disorder that influences the skin.

Atopic dermatitis is likely antecedented by both genetic (runs in the family) and environmental factors. Treatment generally consists of medications to relieve the symptoms until the rash can go away on its own. Medications for atopic dermatitis are : Skin creams or ointments that control swelling and lower allergic reactions ,Corticosteroids.
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