Showing posts with label Body Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Body Care. Show all posts

Thursday, August 13, 2015


مفسرین کا خیال ہے کہ زمین پر انسان کی آمد کے بعد اس کی افادیت کے لئے سب سے پہلا درخت جو معرض وجود میں آیا، وہ انجیر کا تھا۔ ایک روایت یہ بھی ہے کہ حضرت آدم علیہ السلام اور حضرت حوا علیہا السلام نے اپنی سترپوشی کے لئے انجیر کے پتے استعمال کئے تھے۔ اس کے استعمال کی بہترین صورت اسے خشک کرکے کھانا ہے۔
قرآن مجید میں انجیر کے بارے میں ارشاد
قرآن مجید میں انجیر کا ذکر صرف ایک ہی جگہ آیا ہے مگر بھرپور ہے۔
والتین والزیتون ہ وطور سینین ہ وھذا البلد الامین ہ لقد خلقنا الانسان فی احسن تقویم ہ (التین: 4-1)
ترجمہ: “قسم ہے انجیر کی اور زیتون کی اور طورسینا کی اور اس دارالامن شہر کی کہ انسان کو ایک بہترین ترتیب سے تخلیق کیا گیا۔“
حضرت براء بن عازب رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ روایت فرماتے ہیں کہ سفر کے دوران کی نمازوں میں نبی اکرم نور مجسم ایک رکعت میں سورہ التین ضرور تلاوت فرماتے تھے۔ تفسیری اشارات کے طور پر دیکھیں تو اللہ عزوجل نے انجیر کو اتنی اہمیت عطا فرمائی کہ اس کی قسم کھائی جس کا واضح مطلب یہی ہے کہ اس کے فوائد کا کوئی شمار نہیں۔
انجیر کے بارے میں ارشادات نبوی
حضرت ابوالدرداء روایت فرماتے ہیں کہ نبی کی خدمت بابرکت میں کہیں سے انجیر سے بھرا ہوا تھال آیا۔ انہوں نے ہمیں فرمایا کہ “کھاؤ“۔ ہم نے اس میں سے کھایا اور پھر ارشاد فرمایا۔ “اگر کوئی کہے کہ کوئی پھل جنت سے زمین پر آ سکتا ہے تو میں کہوں گا کہ یہی وہ ہے کیونکہ بلاشبہ جنت کا میوہ ہے۔ اس میں سے کھاؤ کہ یہ بواسیر کو ختم کر دیتی ہے اور گنٹھیا (جوڑوں کا درد) میں مفید ہے۔
یہی حدیث حضرت ابوذر کے حوالہ سے کنزالاعمال میں مسند فردوس کے ذریعہ سے دوسری جگہ بیان کرتے ہوئے “تفطع البواسیر“ کی جگہ “یذہب بالبواسیر“ کی تبدیلی کی ہے۔
انجیر کو بطور پھل اللہ تعالٰی نے اہمیت دی اور نبی اکرم، رحمت دو عالم، سرور کائنات، نور مجسم اسے جنت سے آیا ہوا میوہ قرار دینے کے بعد ارشاد فرماتے ہیں کہ یہ بواسیر کو ختم کر دیتی ہے۔ علمی لحاظ سے یہ ایک بڑا اعلان ہے جو عام طور پر علم طب میں فاضل اطباء بڑی مشکل سے کرتے ہیں مگر جوڑوں کے درد میں اس کو صرف مفید قرار دیا، اس لئے یہ امور انجیر سے فوائد حاصل کرنے کے سلسلے میں پوری توجہ اور اہمیت کے طلبگار ہیں۔
امام محمد بن احمد ذہبی فرماتے ہیں کہ انجیر میں تمام دوسرے پھلوں کی نسبت بہتر غذائیت موجود ہے۔ یہ پیاس کو بجھاتی ہے اور آنتوں کو نرم کرتی ہے۔ بلغم کو نکالتی ہے۔ پرانی بلغمی کھانسی میں مفید ہے۔ پیشاب آور ہے۔ آنتوں سے قولنج اور سدوں کو دور کرتی ہے اور اسے نہارمنہ کھانا عجیب و غریب فوائد کا باعث ہوتا ہے۔
انجیر میں موجود کیمیائی اجزاء کا تناسب یوں ہے:-
لحمیات 5. 1
نشاستہ 0 . 15
حدت کے حرارے 66
سوڈیم 6. 24
پوٹاشیم 88. 2
کیلشیم 05. 8
مگنیشیم 2. 26
فولاد 18. 1 تانبہ 07. 0
فاسفورس 26
گندھک 9. 22
کلورین 1. 7
ایک سو گرام خشک انجیر میں عام کیمیائی اجزاء کا یہ تناسب اسے ایک قابل اعتماد غذا بنا دیتا ہے۔ اس میں کھجور کی طرح سوڈیم کی مقدار کم اور پوٹاشیم زیادہ ہے۔ ایک سو گرام کے جلنے سے حرارت 66 حرارے حاصل ہوتے ہیں۔ حراروں کی یہ مقدار عام خیال کی نفی کرتی ہے کہ کھجور یا انجیر تاثیر کے لحاظ سے گرم ہوتے ہیں۔ وٹامن الف۔ ج کافی مقدار میں موجود ہیں اور ب مرکب معمولی مقدار میں ہوتے ہیں۔
جو کا آٹا اور انجیر ملا کر کھانے سے متعدد دماغی امراض میں فائدہ ہوتا ہے۔ انجیر میں کیونکہ فاسفورس بھی پایا جاتا ہے اور فاسفورس چونکہ دماغ کی غذا ہے، اس لئے انجیر دماغ کو طاقت دیتا ہے۔ ضعف دماغ میں بادام کے ساتھ انجیر ملا کر کھانے سے چند دنوں میں دماغ کی کمزوری ختم ہو جاتی ہے اور یہ کم خرچ اور بالانشین نسخہ ہے۔ انجیر کیونکہ ہر قسم کے درد کے لئے مفید اور مؤثر ہے۔ اس لئے درد سر میں انجیر کو کھانا مفید اور مؤثر ہے۔
انجیر کے دانتوں پر اثرات
کیلشیم کیونکہ دانتوں کی غذا ہے، کیلشیم انجیر میں پایا جاتا ہے۔ اس لئے انجیر کو چبا چبا کر کھانے سے دانت مضبوط اور طاقتور ہوتے ہیں۔
دمہ اور کھانسی میں انجیر کے فوائد
قدرت کی عطا کردہ اس خاص نعمت یعنی انجیر میں نشاستہ بھی موجود ہے اور نشاستہ چونکہ سینہ کی اور حلق کی کھڑکھڑاہٹ کو دور کرتا ہے۔ اس لئے میتھی کے بیج، انجیر اور پانی کا پکا کر خوب گاڑھا کر لیں۔ اس میں شہد ملا کر کھانے سے کھانسی کی شدت میں کمی آجاتی ہے۔ انجیر کیونکہ مخرج بلغم ہے، اس لئے یہ دمہ میں مفید پائی جاتی ہے۔ دمہ میں چونکہ بلغم گاڑا ہوتا ہے، اس لئے حال ہی میں کیمیا دانوں نے اس میں ایک جوہر Bromelain دریافت کیا ہے جو بلغم کو پتلا کرکے نکالتا ہے اور التہابی سوزش کم کرتا ہے۔
انجیر میں غذا کو ہضم کرنے کی خصوصیت
غذا کو ہضم کرنے والے جوہروں کی تینوں اقسام یعنی نشاستہ کو ہضم کرنے والے لحمیات کو ہضم کرنے والے اور چکنائی کو ہضم کرنے والے اجزاء عمدہ تناسب میں پائے جاتے ہیں۔ اس میں ان اجزاء کی موجودگی انجیر کو ہر طرح کی خوارک کو ہضم کرنے کے لئے بہترین مددگار بنا دیتی ہے۔
انجیر سے جگر اور پتہ کی سوزش کا کامیاب علاج
انجیر چونکہ محلل اورام ہے۔ اس لئے جگر کا ورم اور سوزش میں بہت کامیابی سے استعمال کیا جاتا ہے۔ یہ جگر اور پتہ کو تمام غلیظ مواد سے صاف کرتی ہے۔ انجیر میں چونکہ فولاد بھی پایا جاتا ہے، اس لئے یہ جگر جو طاقت دیتی ہے اور خون صالح پیدا کرتی ہے۔
ایک خاتون کو پتہ کی پرانی سوزش تھی۔ ایکسرے پر متعدد پتھریاں پائی گئیں۔ بطور ڈاکٹر سے آپریشن کا مشورہ دیا گیا۔ وہ درد سے مرنے کو تیار تھی مگر آپریشن کی دہشت کو برداشت کرنے کا حوصلہ نہ رکھتی تھی۔ اس مجبوری کے لئے کچھ کرنا ضروری ٹھہرا۔ چونکہ نبی اکرم نور مجسم نے کلونجی کو ہر مرض کی شفا قرار دیا ہے۔ اس لئے کاسنی اور کلونجی کا مرکب کھانے کو صبح نہار منہ چھ دانے انجیر کھانے کو کہا گیا۔ وہ دو ماہ کے اندر نہ صرف کہ پتھریاں نکل گئیں بلکہ سوزشیں جاتی رہیں۔ علامات کے ختم ہونے کے ایک ماہ بعد کے ایکسرے سے پتہ مکمل طور پر صحت مند پایا گیا۔
ڈاکٹر سید خالد غزنوی کراچی نے اپنے مضمون طب نبوی اور جدید سائنس کے عنوان پر انجیر کے بارے میں لکھا ہے۔
جاپان میں انجیر سے حاصل ہونے والے جوہر برومی لین کو بڑی مقبولیت حاصل رہی اور انہوں نے سوزش کو رفع کرنے کے لئے (Kihotabs) تیارکیس ڈاکٹروں نے مطلع کیا کہ انہوں نے اسے آنتوں کے کینسر میں مفید پایا ہے۔ انجیر میں پائے جانے والے جوہر آنتوں کے سرطان کا علاج ہیں۔
حضرت ابودرداء رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ کی یہ حدیث کے انجیر بواسیر کو قاطع اور جوڑوں کے درد میں فائدہ کرتی ہے۔ اس حدیث کی روشنی میں دیکھیں تو ڈاکٹر چوپڑا اس حدیث کی ہر طرح تصدیق کرتا ہے۔ نبی اکرم نے یہ ہرگز نہیں فرمایا کہ جوڑوں کی تکلیف کو بواسیر کی مانند ختم کر دیتی ہے بلکہ آپ نے جو لفظ فرمایا “ینفع“ یعنی نفع یا آرام دیتی ہے۔ جب تک انجیر استعمال میں رہے گی کیونکہ جوڑوں میں درد پیدا کرنے والی اور بھی بیماریاں ہیں۔
(الماخوذ : فیضان طب نبوی صلی اللہ تعالٰی علیہ وآلہ وسلم)

Saturday, August 8, 2015

The foods that cause an increase in mental ability ..

ممبئی: دماغ بدن کا انتہائی اہم حصہ ہے جو جسم کے تمام افعال کنٹرول کرتا ہے اوراسے مزید بہتر بنانے کے لیے قدرت نے اہم ترین پھل اورسبزیاں پیدا کی ہیں جن میں چند اہم اشیا ایسی ہیں جو دماغی امراض کو نہ صرف دور کرسکتی ہیں بلکہ اس کی صلاحیت کو بھی بڑھا سکتی ہیں۔
ماہرین اس بات پر متفق ہیں کہ روزانہ نصف مٹھی اخروٹ کھانے سے یادداشت بہترہوتی ہے، اخروٹ کو دماغ کا ایندھن بھی قراردیا جاسکتا ہے جودماغی افعال کوبہتر بناتے ہیں اس میں موجود اومیگا تھری فیٹی ایسڈز اور اینٹی آکسیڈنٹس موجود ہوتے ہیں جب کہ اس میں شامل وٹامن ای ذہنی صلاحیت میں کمی کو روکتا ہے۔ اخروٹ کوکشمش اور انجیر کے ساتھ ملانے کے بھی بے حد فوائد ہیں اگر آپ دن میں بادام اور کاجو جیسی کوئی اور شے روزانہ کھاتے ہیں تو اس کی 7 سے 8 گریاں روزانہ کافی رہیں گی۔
آملیٹ اور ہاف فرائی انڈہ ناشتے میں کھاکر اپنے دن کا آغاز کریں کیونکہ اس میں کولائن نامی ایک کیمیکل ہوتا ہے جو دماغی خلیات (سیلز) میں نیوروسگنلزکو بہتر بناتا ہے اور مجموعی طور پر یادداشت، دماغی صلاحیت بہتر ہوتی ہے اسی لیے ابلے ہوئے انڈے پر لیموں کا تازہ رس، زیتون کا تیل ، پیاز اور کالی مرچیں چھڑک کا انڈے کی سلاد بھی بنائی جاسکتی ہے اوراگر کوئی مجبوری نہ ہو تو روزانہ ایک انڈہ ضرور کھائیں اور اگر انڈہ نہ کھاسکیں تو گوبھی اور جھینگوں سے کولائن حاصل کیا جاسکتا ہے۔

دہی میں ٹائروسین نامی امائنو ایسڈ ہوتا ہے جو اعصابی خلیات کے رابطوں کو مضبوط کرتا ہے اور دہی کا استعمال دماغ کو تروتازہ اور آپ کو چوکنا رکھتا ہے۔
اسے کھانے کا بہترین طریقہ یہ ہے کہ دہی پر پسے ہوئے سورج مکھی بیج چھڑک دیں یا پھر بیریز ڈال کر اسے میٹھا کرکے بھی کھایاجاسکتا ہے۔ روزانہ ایک کپ دہی ضرور استعمال کریں اسی طرح ٹائروسین کیلوں میں بھی پایا جاتا ہے۔
ہرگھر میں موجود دارچینی ایک جادوئی مصالحہ ہے جس کی خوشبو بھی دماغ پر بہتر اثرات مرتب کرتی ہے اس میں موجود دہ اہم اجزا پرواینتھوسائناڈنس اور سینامیلڈیہائڈ دماغ میں خون کی روانی کو بڑھاتے ہیں اور دماغ کو تیز کرتے ہیں۔
اسی لیے صبح کے وقت دار چینی کی ایک چٹکی بہت مفید ثابت ہوتی ہے اس کے علاوہ یہ ذیابیطس کے مرض کو بھی دور کرتی ہے اس کے علاوہ کئی طرح کی بیریوں میں بھی یہ دونوں اجزا موجود ہوتے ہیں۔
ہلدی میں 2 درجن سے زائد ایسے کیمیکل موجود ہوتے ہیں جو نہ صرف جلن کو کم کرتے ہیں بلکہ الزائیمر بھگاتے ہیں اور دماغ کو بہتر رکھتے ہیں۔ رات کے اوقات میں ہلدی کو دودھ میں ڈال کر پینا فائدہ مند ہے۔

Monday, January 16, 2012

Beauty tips for every type of skin

Every woman like smooth, flat, fair skin colour. Whether you are genetically fair complexion and brown or black, there are ways to lighten your skin tone more. Chemical, herbal, cosmetic, or organic, that to get the desired sound: Since time immemorial, people have looked for different agents.

Here are some beauty tips to achieve better results. Food, nutrition, general care, scrubs, pastes, creams, should do apart from the daily care miracle.

Avoid strong sunlight:
Sun rays are a great source of vitamin D, which is very important for the human bone. However, harsh sun rays can be very harmful to the skin.
Premature aging, wrinkles, discoloration of the skin is due to the UV rays in sunlight.
Avoid going out in the sun 11 to 3 clock.
Use sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 30
Wearing a mask "Naqab" is best protection.

Daily Skin Care: Regular cleansing, toning and moisturizing of skin is very important.

Cleansing: Use a cleanser, homemade or ready for your skin type.
With medical cleaners for sensitive skin, your skin prone to frequent outbursts and allergies.
Use Moisturizing cleanser for dry skin.
For oily skin use a product that controls excess oil production.

Toning: Toning tightens and shrinks the open pores, are best suited for your type of skin toner.

Alcohol Free Toner - Air fresheners - suited for dry, hydrated, normal and sensitive species.
Mild alcohol (20%) based toner - Skin Tonic - are good for oily, normal, and mixed types.
alcohol-based (20-60%) toner - Astringents - are heavily used mostly for excessive toner oily skin.

Moisturizing: Daily skin care is incomplete without the moisture of your skin properly.
It helps hydrate the skin
It helps the skin to smooth and
It protects the skin from the sun, when it more than 30 spf

Scrub: Exfoliation is the removal of dead skin cells and exposing the fresh, new layer of skin.

Oatmeal mixed with water and ground into a smooth paste is a good exfoliant. Apply this paste on the face in a gentle circular motion. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash off.
Mix 2 tablespoons chopped raw oats with 1 tablespoon of honey and apple cider vinegar ¼. Make a fine paste apply on face in circular motions. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash your face.

Fair skin people have less melanin, a pigment for different skin tones. Dark colored people have more melanin.

Skin lightening creams have hydroquinone in them, which if used inhibits melanin.

Lotions, creams and rich in vitamin C to help brighten skin tone and regenerate cells.

The masks for the lightening of the skin:

Eggs & honey:
1 egg white
1 lemon juice
1 tablespoon honey

Beat the egg whites, honey and lemon juice. Apply it on your face and wash yourself after 15 minutes.
Almond oil & honey:
1 tablespoon honey
½ tablespoon almond oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon milk powder
1 tablespoon milk

Mix all ingredients. Apply it on your face and wash off after 15 minutes.

Dry skin:
Mix equal amounts of lemon juice and honey. Apply it on your face and body. Wash off after 15 minutes.
Mix equal amounts of lemon juice and cucumber juice. Apply it on your face and body. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Oily skin:Mix cucumber pulp and yogurt. Make a fine paste. Apply and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash off after it dries.Make a paste of papaya, honey and milk. Use it on your face and body for a few minutes. Let it dry and then wash off.Dark feet and ankles:Soak feet and ankles for 15 minutes in water mixed lemon juice.Dark Elbows:Rub potato or lemon juice for 15 minutes and wash off with water.Dark Hands:Mix of sun flower oil, lemon juice and sugar. Apply for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water.Dark neck:Mix 1 lemon, 1 cucumber juice and 1 / 8 tablespoon of turmeric powder. Apply it for 20 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.Dark Lips:Mix a few drops of Vaseline and lemon juice and apply on the lips at night. Wash them in the morning.Cut your intake of tea, coffee and smoking.Food Diet: A good, healthy diet of fruits, vegetables and juices is not only good for your health , but also for your skin.Avoid fatty, spicy and junk food.Eat plenty of green, leafy vegetables.Fruits such as pears, apples, peaches, guavas, etc., are good for the skin.Include more legumes, cereals and in daily food intake.For prescription drugs, creams and lotions for a fair skin color,first talk to a dermatologist. Each time a patch test first before the direct application of a new cream on face and body. It's always good to be safe.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tips for losing weight naturally

These are some effective tips to lose weight naturally. Eating healthy diet, regular exercise and keeping attention to weight loss is key to success in weight loss goal . If we follow these simple and natural  tips, there is no way we can't get our required goal.

  • Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet. They are high nutrition healthy foods that are very low in calories. So if you know how to weight lose fast, of course know , you make sure you fruits and vegetables in at least two meals to eat .

  • Lean meat to eat . Go for steamed, broiled or roasted meat. Never fried, as it adds the calories and most of the nutrients in meat obtained by cooking it lost in this method.

  • Eating five small meals you one day, evenly distributed at equal intervals. Binge in this way the tendency is reduced, plus greatly improved digestion.

  • One of the most important tip to lose weight , naturally and quickly - eat no processed foods, fried and fatty foods and high sugar foods . Don't have soft drinks and alcohol if you are serious about your healthy weight -loss goals.

  • Drink water all day, even between exercise. Water keeps the body hydrated. It improves digestion and makes sure that all waste received at the time eliminated from the body.

  • How to lose weight naturally speaking, the answer lies in a variety of foods, including in your daily diet. This ensures that your body the right blend of all essential nutrients receives. Include high protein and high fiber foods in your diet every day, like the stomach full for a longer period and so you won t keep you hungry for some quiet time after dinner .

  • Eat negative calorie foods  such as tomatoes and cucumbers. Your body burns more calories to digest in you, as these foods actually contain!

  • Take an egg breakfast every day. Eggs are not only rich in protein and calcium, but also contain vitamin B12, which, according to research in weight loss from the body helps .

  • Want to know how natural to weight loss follow this simple rule - if your breakfast, the heaviest meal of the day. Dinner should be very easy . Take your dinner two hours before going to bed so that your body has enough time to digest it.

  • Avoid always stressed. Plan and plan your day properly leave enough time for socializing and with your family. For at least seven hours sleep, and take short breaks between work. If possible, do yoga and meditation as they are known to mental stress reduction . With a calm mind, you are likely to avoid emotional eating, which is often seen in people who are overweight.

  • The quickest way to lose weight naturally is by combining healthy eating with an exercise routine. Exercise at least half an hour every day. However, to lose some serious amount of weight, you associate a fitness studio.

  • Cardiovascular exercises such as swimming, jogging, aerobics and walking are a must for natural decline . This should be done at least three times per week for natural weight loss.

  • Resistance training , weight lifting and floor exercises are done each day, targeting a specific body part each day. So, if you want to know "how to reduce weight naturally and tone of a particular body part? As an occupation, the right mix of these will suggest exercises to train each individual body as needed.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Shading and lip brushes

Females use different makeup brushes for different purposes. Here are some common makeup brushes and their uses.
Foundation Brush
Foundation brush is designed to achieve a smooth and flawless finish,  and is used to apply liquid or cream foundation smoothly over your skin for a polished finish. Tapered to reach even those hard to get areas such as the inner eye and around the nose.
Powder Brush
The fullest hair and rounded finish is ideal for sweeping loose or pressed powders over the skin for a sheer translucent effect.
Blush Brush
A smaller tapered round brush is used for blush on. Made with fine, gentle fibres the blusher brush has a rounded head which is perfect for giving a pop of color to the apples of your cheeks. It is used to keeps blush on the apples of the cheeks and helps prevent ‘over-blushing.’ Soft enough for sensitive skin but firm enough to deposit a rich dose of color.
Eyeliner Brush
This angled firm brush is used for eye liner and works with eye shadow powders to line eyes, achieving a natural or smoky, smudgy look.
Fine Eyeliner Brush
The extra fine tip of this brush delivers precise liquid and gel eyeliner application. For precise lining and dramatic definition, this ultra fine line brush pinpoints the lash base and gives a crisp, clean line.
Brow Groomer Brush
Brushing brows daily keeps brows shapely and helps stimulate brow growth. This brush is excellent for blending brow pencil colors or powder colors into brow hair for a natural look. Flip side has a narrow tooth comb for separating eyelashes.
Use this light brush to blend eye colors and to highlight the brow bone. Blending eye shadow is key to a professional, polished look. This soft blending sponge with rounded tip easily blends colors even in the inner eye area.
Lip Brush
The sculpted tip of a lip brush is perfect for achieving a flawless line. This firm brush is contoured to your lip line to give you the smoothest lipstick look ever. Helps lipstick colors look more intense and last longer.

Makeup For Round Face

There are many tricks and tips for round makeup. If you want to have makeup for a round face, make it look slim and well defined properties. Faces can be round, square, oval or heart-shaped, but each of these forms has to get their own makeup technique. Round face shape lookes natural beautiful and energy of youth. If you have a beautiful round face, long but blessed for a long shape, you have options. First you will want to draw attention to the foundation emphasized that you pay in the region of end use.

You should also ensure that the areas above the cheeks, and highlight the area just below the eyes. It is also important to use dark makeup to the areas where it should be placed to improve.

1: If you have good eyebrows, have a nice shape and a decent amount of hair, you apply your mascara and gently wash them in the opposite direction of hair growth.

2: Apply the eyeliner from the outside of the eye, with a smooth sweeping motion and with the line, easy to make a little cat's eye.

3: To make your face appear slimmer, apply the brush just below the cheekbone and up into the temple. Do not go deeper than the virtual line at the bottom of the nose, and no further than the outer corner of eye.
4: Finally, for a creamy lipstick, lip gloss or soft gloss to a hub of neutral light to determine your look. You can enjoy lighter complexion light pink chiffon and peaches, while deeper complexion lush nudes and sheer plums are more flattering.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Concealer Tips

Concealer is a type of makeup used to cover up blemishes, dark circles under the eyes and other skin .
During the makeup concealer is used in order to conceal camouflages dark circles, tiny lines, and minor blemishes, pimples, scars, under-eye circles, redness around the nostrils, broken blood vessels, dark inner corners of eyes, etc which cannot be covered with a few thin layers of foundation. Concealer can be apply with sponges, brushes, or fingertips, in a thin layer and then add more thin layers if necessary.
Make sure a concealer or make up matches your skin. See how it looks in bright light or sunlight. It should blend so well that it seems transparent on the skin, yet it hides the desired areas. A more natural look is when you use sheer layers. Here are some tips to get the best results out of concealer:
  • Put a small amount on your fourth fingertip. Dot it on and move from the outside corner of the eye inward, and back out again.
  • Red or pink toned skin types should use concealers with a green undertone. You can also add a small amount of green eye shadow if you can’t find the right shade.
  • Concealer can be used over or under foundation, whichever way you choose, be sure to blend, blend and blend. While you are blending, be gentle to your skin.
  • Those with dark under-eye circles or blue toned skin types should use a yellow or peach toned concealer to neutralise the darker tones.
  • Don’t use concealer on freckles and pigmentations unless you really need to because they may require heavier layers which could make them look worse.
  • Your concealer should be the exact shade as your foundation. If you can’t find the right tone, buy a shade lighter. If you don’t use foundation, concealer must match your skin tone.
  • When it comes to dark circles, use your fingertips for the under eye area. Use a shade lighter than your foundation if they are recessed. Use a bit darker if they are puffy.
  • Concealer should always be applied before foundation. Make sure your skin is cleansed and moisturised, as concealer tends to settle into fine lines on dry skin.

How to apply blush on?

Blush on technique is different for different face. Apply blush on according to your face.Always start with a good qualityBlush Brush.You can beautify your face and cheeks naturally, with the blush on art. Blush is an important component to any woman's makeup kit.
Apply blush on according to your face shape.
If you have a long face shape, start applying blush on from the mid of your cheeks and apply to the temple.
With round face, start applying blush on from upper cheeks beneath the eyes to temple. Apply your blush in a sideways and on your cheekbones and blend up
If you have a squared shape face starts from the center of the eyes apply your blush on the cheekbones. Blend toward your temples soften the square angle of the face.
Oval is said to be the ideal face for makeup. The forehead is wider than the chin. Use your fingertips to locate the most prominent part of your cheekbone to apply blush and blend towards your temples to highlight your cheekbones.
Triangular shape has a wide forehead and high cheekbones with a small and narrow chin. Blush should be applied in a sideways and on the cheekbones. Blend up from your cheekbones to your temple. This will help to balance the width of your forehead with the rest of your face.

Tips About Makeup

To prepare a smooth canvas for your makeup, always start off with clean, moisturized skin. You'll find that your makeup glides on and blends more easily.
1. Keep your skin free of buildup by using a gentle cleanser in the morning and at night. When cleansing your face, do so gently in upward motion stokes - do not tug, pull or scrub too hard to prevent irritation.
2. Freshen up your skin with a toner containing ingredients that suit your skin type.
3. Indulge your skin and keep it hydrated with a moisturizer that is compatable with your skin type. Make sure your daytime moisturizer contains SPF to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays.
4. Treat yourself to an at-home-facial 2 to 3 times a week. Use a mild cleanser, then exfoliate with a gentle scrub that contains exfoliants that are round and non-abrasive.
5. Apply a facial mask after exfoliating. Rinse off thoroughly and get a good night's sleep!

 Tip: Even when you're steering clear of the sun, or it appears to be a cloudy day, always be sure your makeup foundation or moisturizer contains SPF 15 or higher.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

6 Simple Makeup Artist Tips

6 Simple Makeup Artist Tips

Budding fashionistas, it's time to find out more about these 6 simple makeup artist tips you can also use. Freshen up your party-perfect or casual look by following these easy-to-master application techniques and useful guidelines. 

Celebrate the most versatile beauty trends with a stylish makeup style. Prepare for the festive season with a set of inspirational eye makeup designs you'll be able to nail down with ease. Master the newest application techniques to polish your look to perfection.
Keep high class cosmetics at hand to guarantee the smudge-proof condition of your makeup. When it comes to runway looks it is important to consider the artsy beauty tricks offered by the artists behind visionary makeup styles.Pat McGrath is one of the biggest MUAs from the world. Those who want to learn from the best and wish to take their beauty skills to the next level should definitely read through these 6 simple makeup artist tips. 

1.Creamy Foundation Tip

  • In order to create the perfect makeup base, it is important to use high street foundation formulas. Pat offers us her trick on how to spread this product uniformly all over the face. The MUA uses her fingers to make sure she tackles all the delicate spots which should be covered with this refined formula. The Pat uses a makeup brush to remove the excessive foundation from areas like the nose, forehead and chin. It is also useful to apply a tiny amount of foundation also on the ears for a natural-looking effect.

  • 2.Blush Trick

  • Pat highly recommended the use of at least two blush shades to create a natural-looking and radiant makeup style.

    First apply a light tone on the apple of your cheeks and be sure to head upwards to create the perfect frame for your features. Then use a dark blush shade you'll apply over the first color to nail down the perfect blend.

  • 3. Bold Eye Makeup Trick

  • The runway is flooded with models sporting bold and bright eye makeup looks. In order to follow their footsteps all you have to do is use a flattering purple, blue or green shade.

    Pat advises you to use lipstick if you want to nail down the red eye makeup trend. Experiment with this beauty wave to see whether it really works for you.

  • 4. Mascara Trick

  • Emphasize your lashes with a simple trick offered by this beloved MUA. The secret to build up a natural-looking makeup and shift the attention to your glimpse is to apply black mascara to the roots and use a brown tone for the tips. This pro beauty guideline will help you master the newest makeup application tendencies.

  • 5. Perfect Lip Makeup

  • Learn how to inject sensuality and sex-appeal into your look. Keep in mind the following beauty trick offered by Pat McGrath to guarantee your success. First apply a thin layer of foundation on your lips.Then you can use a nude lipliner to define the shape of your lips. The next step is to cover the lips with your favorite lipstick shade. Sport your statement lip makeup like a real glam diva.

  • 6. Shape Your Eyebrows

  • Shaping your eyebrows is a real must if you want to pull off a perfectly-polished makeup look. If you don't have enough time to visit your beautician, grab a sharp eye pencil and highlight each individual brow in a row. Use only brown eyebrow pencils and skip black which can create an artificial effect. Choose the most flattering shade that suits your hair color and finish up emphasizing your brows with a thin layer of face powder.

  • Thursday, November 10, 2011

    Water Proof Makeup Tips for Monsoon

    This article discusses about how to have good and fresh makeup in the humid weather of monsoon season. It tells about the basic makeup items and their application in the monsoon season without having an overdose of makeup. By just maintaining a simple and minimalistic look with water proof makeup and following these simple water proof makeup tips for monsoon, you can have an ideal and lasting look for a busy day ahead.
    Like our clothing and almost all kinds of other fashion itemsmakeup tips requires a few adjustments and changes with the changing weather patterns too. Monsoon season is the trickiest season for maintaining good skin and lasting makeup. But if you use good water proof makeup and follow simple water proof makeup tips for monsoon season then you will surely make a difference at it would be easy to handle your skin well with these water proof makeup tips for monsoon.
    In order to start off with good makeup tips for doing water proof makeup, it is important that you keep in front of you all those makeup items which you need to wear on daily basis. Many working ladies find water proof makeup tips for monsoon to be very useful as they need to maintain a good and fresh look all the time and which lasts longer. Normally, mascara, eye-liner, lip color and foundation or any other base is used primarily for everyday makeup. Water proof makeup tips for monsoon ensure you that you can use all these and look good without having a smudged or a pale look due to the wet and humid weather in the monsoon season.
    • The Base
    In monsoon season, the ideal of all the waterproof makeup tips for monsoon is that try using it as little as possible or do not use it at all. If you want to use it in any case then, makeup tips advise you to make sure you have a good quality waterproof base. If you use liquid base then the chances of having lines showing up or melting of foundation are high. Moreover, if you wish to use face powder as a part of makeup item in water proof makeup tips for monsoon, then make sure that you do not apply it excessively or maybe the way you apply it in normal routine. As essential makeup tips, apply just a little bit as it might give you a sticky and a pale feeling which may look like as if you are sick.
    • Lip Color
    For the lip color in makeup tips, the waterproof makeup tips for monsoon recommend that if you use a lipstick then go for the water proof ones and go for the shades like nudes, peachy pinks etc. They will look natural and even if they get a little smudged, makeup tips ensure that they will blend in well with your skin tone. Otherwise, it is best recommended by water proof makeup tips for monsoon that you opt for lip gloss and do re-touch after a few hours or whenever needed. It will help you in maintaining a fresh look.
    • The Eye Makeup
    For the eye makeup, water proof makeup tips for monsoon advise you to use mascara and eye liner as primary items. Keep the eye shadows temporary. But before applying any of this, water proof makeup tip for monsoon highly advise that you should make sure that our eyebrows are well plucked as having a neat and clean look is very important because already, the monsoon season gives skin a very sticky and pale look and the skin complexion does not seem to be very fresh. If you wish to use eye shadows then go for the creamy eye shadows rather than just the plain and dry ones as they will stick well to the skin and they are lasting as recommended by general makeup tips. Also, make sure that your eye liner and mascara are water proof.
    So, look fresh and feel fresh by applying as little makeup as possible and following these simple waterproof makeup tips for monsoon season. Just a little trick and makeup tips will give you a perfect look even in the wet and humid weather of monsoon season with these water proof makeup tips for monsoon season.

    Make up Tips for Lips

    Lips are the most attractive and beautiful part of your face. Lips play an important role in facial beauty of every woman. Every young girl and women of every age want to have beautiful, pinkish and attractive lips. This require extra lip care, use of lips beauty products and to some extend, right lips makeup. Although the natural lips beauty products may enhance lips beauty but we can’t ignore the importance of lips make up and the right application of the lips makeup tips.
    Lips makeup is every important for your lips beauty and gloss especially when you are going to an occasion.
    Here are some very easy to apply lips makeup tipswhich will definitely enhance your lips shine and beauty in short period of time.
    Lips makeup tips:
    • As lips is the prominent and beautiful part of your face and play an important role in your facial beauty. So you have to take care of your lips on regular basis. Use moisturizer on daily basis. It is scientifically proven that lips don’t have oil glands and hence need regular moisturizing. Application of lips makeup and lips makeup tipsoccasionally is not the only way to make your lips charming and attractive. For this, use lip balm daily.
    • If you are a regular user of lipstick or lip gloss. Then make sure to use a branded lipstick or lip gloss which contains herbal and natural moisturizer to maintain your lips skin and shine.
    •  Shape of the lips enhance your lips beauty and attraction and add a nice and glamorous flair to your face. A natural tip to have a stunning lip shape is to drink plenty of water daily. Water ahs the quality to prevent your lips from dehydration and chapping. Hence maintain your lips shape.
    • Always use a lip liner that is closer to the shade of your lipstick color. This is a very important lips makeup tip and will help in defining your lip’s shape.
    • For a glamorous, shining and a celebrity look, don’t forget to apply lip gloss after applied coat of lipstick. Lip gloss highlights your shade of lipstick and your lips beauty in one try.
    • Choose a right lipstick color. It is indeed another very important lips makeup tip I give to all my readers. The color of the lipstick must compliment your complexion. Otherwise, you will look over or funny.
    • Here is another important lips makeup tip for you. Always choose a lip color that matches with the occasion. A red color lipstick is good for a party or night function but not suitable for day time or at a business meeting. Lighter and nudes shades are good for office and casual use.
    Remember these lips makeup tips before applying lips makeup on your lips and enjoy glamorous, attractive and a kissable lips. :)