How to Apply Concealer
If you do not have a flawless complexion, concealer will be one of the most valuable cosmetics in your questA concealer is used to hide undereye circles. Choose a concealer close to the color of your skin; they usually come in three colorslight, medium and dark (whatever color you choose, make sure it is close to your skin color-and don't get white! That will result in your not only looking like an owl, but will actually accentuate the circles by making them very noticeable). Apply starting at the center of the area and move outward. While the concealer is still damp apply a loose powder on top to set, seal, and dry the concealer. Once these steps are completed you can decide weather of not to use foundation.
There are some concealers with other colors in them, which is useful for certain kinds of dark circles (for example, if you have very dark blue circles under your eyes, get a concealer with a touch of green in it). Whenever I use a concealer I make sure it is about three shades lighter than my regular foundation, because I then blend it with my foundation. Choosing the color of a concealer is personal, as long as you leave out that white.
The easiest concealers to apply are those in a wand because they are so creamy they can be applied smoothly, without stretching or pulling the skin (the skin under your eyes is very sensitive and can be stretched easily). Concealers that come in a small pot require you to dip your finger in them, something that is difficult to do if you have long nails (so use the outside tip of your nail).
The only drawback with them is that they can be more difficult to blend . To overcome this, work the stick up and down the back of your hand. The product will warm up, making it more pliable and so easier to use. Apply it with the fingertips so that It literally melts into the skin. Those with dry skin will need a concealer with emollients to counteract dryness, while those with oily, problem skins will need a concealer which stays put, is oil-free and contains antibacterial ingredients to help treat blemishes and spots.
To counteract blueness and dark circles under the eyes, go for a concealer with a yellow undertone that is one to two shades lighter than the colour of the skin itself. If concealer is being used to mask pimples, to even out skin tone or to tone down broken capillaries, ensure that the shade you choose has a yellow undertone (pinkish shades will only accentuate redness) and is a good match for the natural colour of your skin. Make-up artists advise testing concealer shades on the inside of the forearm.CONCEALER APPLICATION
Always apply your concealer on top of foundation and before you add powder. If you try to do things the other way round, you might wipe the concealer off when applying your foundation. To disguise under-eye darkness, gently pat concealer under the eyes using the index finger. Exert only gentle pressure and blend outwards, taking care not to drag the skin.To conceal bags under the eyes, put concealer on the shadow beneath the bag, not on the bag itself, otherwise you'll end up highlighting rather than hiding the problem. To cover up broken capillaries or uneven skin tone, you can either massage concealer into the skin or paint it on with a brush and blend with the fingertips. To touch out any blemishes or unsightly-looking spots, paint on concealer with a brush.
Remember to start at the centre of the imperfection and feather outwards.
If your concealer dries and cakes In fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, try using an eye cream under the concealer; make sure you use only a small amount of concealer and opt for one with a matt finish to create the illusion of smooth skin.To prevent the concealer highlighting a problem you're trying to hide, apply a light moisturizer as an undercoat. Allow It to soak in and then dab away any excess with a tissue. This will make the skin soft and more even to work on. For extra staying power, once you have applied concealer, especially over pimples, set with a light dusting of sheer powder. If concealed areas dry out and start to flake throughout the day, gently pat on a small amount of moisturizer.
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