Showing posts with label Skin Care Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skin Care Tips. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Makeup Articles - Choosing a Foundation

Makeup Articles - Choosing a Foundation

Skin tone determines what looks best. When it comes to foundation, choose a colour that matches the skin along the jaw. That way it blends into the neck without leaving a line of demarcation. If the skin is too ruddy, use something with a yellow base to neutralize the redness. If the skin is too olive, I suggest bringing in colours like pinks or plums in the blush or lips to brighten the face. A foundation that is too pink does not look good on olive skin.

Makeup Articles - Eyebrow Brushes for Eyebrow Makeup

Makeup Articles - Eyebrow Brushes for Eyebrow Makeup

For the really indulgent, three eyeshadow brushes will take you wherever you want to go in style. A tiny brush allows you to go right up to the eyelash line for fine precision work (when you want to draw a single line, or accentuate the crease in your eyelid). A medium one will pick up a lot of colour and wash it over the lid in a couple of moves, and a big diffuser brush will let you really blend, blend, blend. Resist the temptation to dip this brush into vibrant shadows - save it for applying the neutral base colour that are the staple undercoat for any look.

Makeup Articles - Dry Skin - What’s Your Skin type !

Makeup Articles - Dry Skin - What’s Your Skin type !

Today the term ’skin type’ is something of an anathema. We all know that our skin can change - from greasy one day to dry the next (depending on fluctuating hormones and outside factors like the weather), and that we need to change our skincare routine accordingly. Dry skin tends to age quickly and can be flaky. Although its pores are barely visible, and sebum production is minimal, the idea that dry skin suffers no break-outs is a myth.

Most people try to combat dry skin by saturating it with oil - not the best plan if you realize that dry skin is actually thirsty. What it needs is a regular supply of water (taken internally) as well as a boost by using the right face creams.

Because we lose about 600 ml (1 pint) of body fluid a day through epidermal evaporation, those with dry skin should ensure that they drink at least eight glasses of water a day. In particular, air conditioning and wind exposure aggravate dry skin, so make sure you always wear a protective moisturizer. Cream cleansers are best for dry skin, as water-soluble products tend to exacerbate the problem. As well as moisturizing religiously twice a day, an occasional intensive night treatment will boost your daily routine (skin absorbs active ingredients best when you are asleep).

Choosing the right make-up is key to disguising dry skin: while powder products will stick in every crease and crevice and make your face look like a road map, oil-based products (with ingredients such as silicones) will glide on easily without cracking.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Makeup Articles - Moisturizing

Makeup Articles - Moisturizing

Long gone are the days when moisturizer was nothing but a simple pot of cold cream (although many a dermatologist will tell you that simple cold cream is all your skin requires). Today, thanks to revolutions in skincare technology, creams at both ends of the market contain ingredients that are anti-ageing, anti-pollutant, anti-ultraviolet and antioxidant, to name but a few. No longer then humble potion knocked up in someone’s kitchen, today’s skincare has huge scientific laboratories and scores of researchers working behind it. We now not only understand the composition and function of human skin, but can also simulate it, making it possible to deliver active ingredients right into its deepest layers. The sceptic once sneered at the idea that creams could penetrate so deeply; today the Food and Drugs Administration in the USA keeps tight checks on all ingredients, in case something that is strong enough to be classed as a prescription drug is passed off as a simple face cream.
While there is a moisturizer in every texture and for every skin type, they always fall into two main categories: these are humectants and occlusives. The humectants variety draws water up from inside the dermis to hydrate the superficial layers, or attracts it from the surrounding atmosphere. There are oil-free water mulsions for oily skins (look for products labelled non-comedogenic as these help prevent unsightly break-outs) and water-in-oil formulations for drier skins. Whatever your skin type, a good tip is to make sure that your face is slightly damp before you apply moisturizer - this will make it go further, and remove the temptation to slap on great globules of unnecessary product.

Makeup Articles - Sun Protection

Makeup Articles - Sun Protection

Lying in the sun undoubtedly makes you look good and feel better, but remember that you are under attack from heat and ultraviolet rays. Sunlight breaks down collagen and elastic fibres and damages the skin cells (UVA rays lead to ageing, UVB to burning), and while olive skin is less at risk from damage, it still requires a sunscreen. The single worst thing you can do to your skin is overexpose it to the sun. Ninety per cent of the damage seen on the skin in the form of ageing (lines, wrinkles, discoloration) is due to sun exposure.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Makeup Articles - Hair Extensions

Makeup Articles - Hair Extensions

Once, having long hair required years of patient growing. Today, if a girl wants long hair she can have it now. Creative talent in the hair care industry means that extensions so natural that even you will not be able to tell them apart from your own locks are readily available at most salons. If you tire of your gamine crop, all you need are a couple of spare hours and an appointment.
Not all hair extensions are the same, so make sure you choose the right ones for your hair. People with fine hair usually opt for ’stick-in’ extensions, which are glued to the roots of your own hair. While these pump up your volume in a big way, there is a long-term downside to this method: added weight can cause the hair to snap, so you can end up with less than you started with. Everyday tasks like washing your hair become somewhat difficult, so it is only worth opting for these extensions if you are prepared to maintain them with regular salon visits. If your hair is reasonably thick, weaving may be the best answer. Strands of hair are woven into your own tresses. 

Makeup Articles - Lipstick Applying Tips

Makeup Articles - Lipstick Applying Tips

In an area where technology knows no bounds, lip moisturizers, plumpers, anti-run agents and sun protection factors are all standard features of today’s products. Once nothing more than a stickof wax and pigment (which stuck to your coffee cup or your boyfriend’s shirt collar), lipstick is no longer simply about colour like so many other make-up products, the modern lipstick is multitextured and multifunctional. And as your mouth is the most titillating area of your face, looking after it is paramount to keeping you attractive.

Makeup Articles - Treatment of Greying of Hair

Makeup Articles - Treatment of Greying of Hair

The usual and the most effective way of dealing with greying of hair is dyeing it There are several types of dyes available ( these have. been already discussed ). The oxidative dyes are the most versatile and the most frequently used, despite the fact they can cause reactions. Henna is also used because apart from its safety, it is a superb conditioner. Several patients of premature greying of hair have responded to calcium pantothenate in the dose of 200 mg daily. Soth is fonn of treatment could be tried in children and in young adults.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Anti-Aging Skin Care in your 50s

Anti-Aging Skin Care in your 50s

Getting older is one of the human phases in life that we cannot change because it’s part of our mortality a human. And in getting older, we always get worried on how we would like with all those wrinkled skin. This is one fact that we need to face as the years gone by and getting ready to it is one challenge that we need to face as we won’t be able to maintain that youthful complexions that we used to have during the early years.
How would we know that our skin is getting old just like our ages? There are common signs to identify of skin aging and it extremely appears during our 50s and 60s as well. When we reach our age line of 50s folds of skin and deep wrinkles tend to appear making our skin more rough and dry.
There are also age spots that come with it. On the contrary, there are some people who have skin aging during their early ages because of extreme sun damage or exposure and genetic factors. When we speak of genetic factors for skin aging, there would be a slow down of skin turnover, sebum production and decreased in collagen. To avoid experiencing early skin aging, protect your skin from sun damage. Always apply sunscreen or suntan lotion to prevent severe sun damages.

Anti-Aging Skin Care in your 50s - Tips & Tricks

As get older, here are some tips for anti-aging skin care in your 50s that will greatly help you:
  • Refrain from smoking cigarettes as these are bad for the skin. Smoking reduces the flowing of blood to the skin that makes the skin to appear sallow and dry. It also encourages the development of wrinkles on the skin especially on the mouth area.
  • Maintain a healthy life style and drink in moderation if possible.
  • Minimize the intake of caffeine in your body and exercise regularly to help improve the circulation of your blood. Exercise also helps tighten up the sagging muscles and keeps the skin hydrated.
  • Manage and reduce the stress level of your every day life especially at work
  • Maintain sufficient hours of sleep every night.
  • Maintain a regular routine for your skin regime.
  • Eat foods with nutrients, low sodium, calorie-free, and rich in anti-oxidants.
  • Drink plenty of water everyday.
  • Control the use of extreme makeup.
  • Use moisturizers regularly to prevent drying of skin.
  • Use a skin tightening cream at least once a week to keep the skin firm.
  • Intake or apply products with Vitamin E on your skin everyday.

Makeup Articles - Concealer Eye Makeup Application

Makeup Articles - Concealer Eye Makeup Application

A good concealer is the secret of the universe,’ according to make-up guru Bobbi Brown, and it is easy to see why. Just the right colour, in just the right texture, and you would need a magnifying glass to prove that Mother Nature did not bless you with a perfect canvas. Concealers may be liquid, cream or solid (stick). Moisturize your face first for easier application.To prevent concealer from setting into fine lines, wipe away excess. Blot with a tissue for matte finish. Just the wrong shade, in just the wrong texture, and you will draw attention to those blemishes you sought to disguise.
With a multitude of products available in everytone and texture (tubes of cream, liquids with sponge-tip applicators, simple sticks and harder ‘cake’ compacts), there is something for everyone - the trick is knowing how to use the right product in the right place. Whether you are fair or dark, your concealer should also have yellow tones. Don’t use a concealer that’s white or more than half a shade lighter than your skin tone. Try for an exact match. Apply before foundation. Set the concealer with powder.

How to Choose Your Makeup With Care ?

How to Choose Your Makeup With Care

How to select the makeup product? Several points need to be considered here - your skin type and colour, your personality, the occasion, and last but not the least, the cost - all of these would influence the selection of your cosmetic products.
Your skin is the most important factor which should influence the selection of your cosmetics - the two aspects which need to be considered are: The skin type and the skin colour. Select cosmetics which suit your skin type, for instance never purchase a cosmetic for oily skin if your skin type is dry because that would certainly be inviting trouble. Similarly, donot use cosmetics designed for dry skin if your skin type is oily.
The second aspect of choosing make-up is the harmony of colours. Colour harmony brings everything together, giving a well coordinated and agreeable effect. Any make-up you use should enhance your natural colouration, and not suppress it. The colour of your make-up should blend with the colour of your skin, your eyes and your hair.

There are two basic colour harmonies in make-up

1. The bluish harmony or the cold tones.
2. The gold harmony or warm tones.
Study the tones of your face thoroughly. Your face may have several colour tones-identify them and utilise the best colour harmony. Most of us in India have the gold harmony-yellow, beige, orange and brown tones with, perhaps, a tinge of green. People with the bluish harmony have blue, mauve, pink, reddish-blue and grey tones in their skin. Use only colours which complement your natural skin colour.
Another thing to remember is that not everyone can carry off heavy make-up. It is definitely better to look simply made-up, rather than grotesquely plastered. Also, your dress must suit your make-up and be just right for the occasion.
Why are some cosmetics so very expensive? Although cosmetics are fonnulated from the same basic ingredients, the manufacturer does, sometimes, make a few additions and Alterations- oils, for example, may be obtained from very inexpensive sources or may have terrifically esoteric origins. This single factor can rocket the price of the cosmetic, although, there is no proof to suggest that the expensive oils are in any way superior in performance to the cheaper ones.
Perfumes can also dramatically affect the cost of the product. Expensive perfumes will inflate the price of a cosmetic, without really improving its performance in any way. As a matter of fact, perfumes are a frequent cause of allergic reactions.
The addition of some other exotic substances can also hike up the price. Packaging and advertising greatly influence the cost of the product. The amount of scientific and technical expertise that has gone behind the product can greatly escalate the price. Finally, the brand name greatly influences the amount of money you are going to pay for the product.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Eyebrow Waxing

Eyebrow Waxing

Eyebrow waxing is a quick and relatively easy alternative to plucking your eyebrows. Eyebrow pencils are much in use but they may add artificiality to the face. A natural eyebrow look can be achieved by using brow colors with the help of short brush with stiff bristles.
One of the easiest ways to get rid of the extra hair around your brow line, waxing is definitely note for those with very sensitive skin. It is more expensive than plucking your eyebrows but lasts longer too. It should best be done under professional supervision.
Waxing eyebrows is a longer-lasting method of shaping brows than tweezing or threading , but the biggest detriment is the pain. Rather than pulling out one stray hair at a time, nearly every hair is removed at once, a process that also strips the uppermost layer of skin cells and can be extremely painful, particularly for individuals who have not experienced wax treatments before.
On the other hand, the pain is temporary and can be soothed, and the results last far longer and are smoother than with other hair removal methods. Before waxing, it is important to review the different types of wax available and investigate their ingredients for potential allergic reactions. With the proper product, waxing can be easy, but it is also vital to use the proper method to avoid catastrophic results.

Eyebrow Waxing

Here are some tips to do eyebrow waxing :
Also, make sure the esthetician/stylist cleans and powders your skin before she applies the wax and then cleans the skin after the waxing. Another tip is to not get your eyebrows waxed right before or during your period because your skin is more sensitive and prone to flare-ups during this time.
Apply an astringent to anesthetize the sensitive skin under the eyebrow before waxing.
Never wax above the eyebrow, only ever shape from below. Waxing from under the brow will widen your eyes and help to get the line even. This will make you look younger and much more glamorous if done correctly .
If you need to wax above the eyebrows, apply wax against or with the hair growth and remove against the hair growth.
You will be surprised how much difference a little hair removal will make to your appearance .
This is done by gently smoothing a piece of cotton muslin over the waxed area, pulling the skin taut with one hand, and pulling the muslin off with the other. It is a good idea to take a little hair off at a time, especially if you have fairly this growth.
For people with close-set eyes, gap between the brows should be left wider while those whose eyes are far apart; the gap should be less for a balancing illusion.
Be careful enough to avoid direct sun light, acid based facial treatments, and liquid makeup for some hours at least.

Eyebrow Threading

Eyebrow Threading

Eyebrow threading is a depilation technique which originated in India, although it is also widely practiced in the
 Middle East. It is used to give clean lines and good shape to the eyebrows and also remove hair from the eyebrow. Although it may seem quite simple, it does take a certain amount of skill to ensure hairs are not snapped off.

Threading is best for those of us who have a large amount of eyebrow hair and surrounding facial hair, as tweezing simply takes too long. If you are lucky enough to have just a few stray hairs and no noticeable facial hair then you probably won't understand what the fuss is about.
Threading is a hair removal technique that uses a cotton thread. The 100% cotton thread is twisted and rolled along the surface of the skin entwining the hairs in the thread, which are then lifted out from the follicle. It is said to be more precise than waxing.
Threading is more effective and less painful than tweezing; hair re-growth becomes finer and more sparse after regular treatments; and the top layers of skin are not peeled or traumatized in the process. Threading is highly recommended and an excellent option for those who use Retin-A, Accutane, and similar products. You need to go to a Salon for eyebrow threading since it cannot be done at home by you. It need skilled technician to mend your eyebrows and give them the curls and curve you desire.
Eyebrow threading is a practice of shaping the eyebrows using a thread. Salons in Wes ern nations offered the service to Middle Eastern clients for decades before European and American women became interested and the popularity of eyebrow threading skyrocketed.
Eyebrow threading is the technique preferred by Indian movie stars, who are often distinguished by their crisp brow lines. Eyebrow threading can be used to eliminate a unibrow, raise the arch of the eyebrow, or add shape and definition to the brow. Because it removes hair by the follicle, it is a reasonably long lasting hair removal technique as well.
The technique is also not terribly expensive because it is easy to do quickly and does not require costly chemical ingredients. For women who would like to pursue a more natural beauty regimen, eyebrow threading is a good choice, since it does not use harmful products.
Eyebrow threading is a preferred hair removal technique for a number of reasons. Unlike tweezing or plucking, eyebrow threading removes one clean line of hair all at once, making it much quicker and easier to shape the brows. It is important to find an aesthetician who is experienced at eyebrow threading. Inexperience can result in uneven brows, hair breakage, ingrown hairs, or unnecessary pain.
Most urban areas have a wide variety of spas offering eyebrow threading, and many online resources offer reviews of the service, including photographs of clients. If you are unsure about a spa look for one which is frequented by Middle Eastern and Indian clients with perfect eyebrows.
If your eyes are a beautiful, mesmerizing picture, you certainly don't want to over whelm them with the frame. As in a good piece of art, the frame is a compliment to the work. Ifyou like your eyebrows full, natural, and you don't like to tweeze them, don't. Leave them as they are. If they are very bushy and tend to be unruly (but you still don't want to tweeze them), take an eyebrow brush, brush them well, then spray the brush with hair spray and apply to your brows. This will help make them more manageable.
But you should be aware that as a woman grows older, as many parts of her body will begin to move down, her eyebrows are also going to look heavy and low. As we age, our faces begin to sag a bit, and sagging eyebrows really take away from sparkling, full and bright eyes. So for mature women who have always preferred not to shape the eyebrows, reform. Just try to pluck them at the bottom of the brow to clean and lift them up a bit.
For those of you who do want to shape your brows, there are ways in which your eyebrows cannot only frame but actually enhance your eyes and minimize their drawbacks. For example, if your eyes seem to slant down, sort of "sadly," you can minimize the slope by shaping your eyebrows into straighter lines (the effect is much like a puppeteer who can pick up a puppet on one side and lift it a little). If you have evenly set eyes, start your brow where your eye starts and end it where your eye ends. If you have eyes that are widely set, start your eyebrow closer to your nose and end it where your eyeends. This will seem to bring your eyes closer together. For eyes that are set closely together, start your eyebrow a little bit after your eye, to make your eyes look farther apart.

Eyebrow Plucking

Eyebrow Plucking

The eyebrow experts say never, never to pluck your eyebrows from above, but always to pluck from the bottom of the brow.
Eyebrow plucking tips to help you achieve beautiful eyebrows. The perfect eyebrow starts above the inside corner of your eye (over the tear duct), and ends at the outside corner, above your eyelashes. Eyebrow plucking is an art. Plucking can make your eyes look larger and give your face a clean, polished look.
Eyebrow plucking tips to help you achieve beautiful eyebrows. Eyebrow plucking should ideally be timed just before hitting the sack as the sleep time that follows allows any subsequent redness to disappear overnight. Slant edge tweezers, which grip hairs easily, are best for shaping brows while combing hairs one way, then the other, helps remove loose strands. When plucking, pluck the stray hair underneath the eyebrow - not above the eyebrow.

Eyebrow Plucking

Plucking Eyebrow Tips :
Sit near a window to get the best light.
Use a pair of angled eyebrow tweezers to pluck the hairs below the brow; never shape your brow by plucking above it. Pluck only one hair at a time.
A tweezer with a pointed or slanted tip will grip the hairs best.
Be careful to pull the hair, not the skin when tweezing. While its easy to accidentally grab the skin, doing so may result in redness or bleeding. If redness does occur, rinse your face with cold water and apply a cold eye mask to soothe the flushed skin.
Always pluck below the brow line, so the hair coming back will follow the natural arch of your brow.
Wash the area thoroughly so it's not oily.
Afterwards use a cotton ball or pad soaked in pure tea tree oil or witch hazel to soothe your plucked brows.
There are tweezers on the market that are specially designed for plucking eyebrows. They cost a bit more but make the experience less painful.

Eyebrow Filling

Eyebrow Filling

Eyebrow pencils with a smooth, light texture and soft, dry finish are good for filling in eyebrows and give them a natural look too, while defining their shape. Begin application in the center of the brow and work outward toward the brow tip then back toward the beginning of the brow.
Use short, light strokes between the brow hairs, and apply a bit more pressure (for stronger color) when defining the underside of the brow. Use a clean toothbrush (or a brow brush, which is similar but more expensive) to soften the color and groom the brow. Alternately, you may apply a bit of hairspray to the toothbrush, and comb this through the brow for hold and control.
Keep in mind that most brow pencils deposit stronger color than a powder, so take care to use a light touch. If you apply too much color, soften the effect with a Q-Tip that has been dipped in makeup remover. Do not apply eyebrow pencil too close to the inner brow (near the nose).
Adding more than a bit of color here tends to create a too-strong or angry-looking brow. A combination approach , using a pencil with powder, can give you the control and delineation of a pencil, and the softer, shaded look of a powder. You can try shaping the brow with the powder first and then finish the detail work with the pencil or brow gel. This is especially helpful if you have bald spots in your eyebrow or need to slightly extend the end of your brows so they frame your eyes better.

Eyebrow Filling

Useful Tips on Eyebrow Filling :
A thicker brow with a sharp eyebrow pencil using light, feathery strokes, adding color to thinner areas.
As much as possible, work only with the hair that is there. The idea is to shade rather than draw on eyebrows.
Brush the brow up with a toothbrush.
Apply the color by filling in the shape of the brow between the hairs where needed.
Fill in only at the front or underneath the brow, or through the brow itself.
Groom your brows with a clean mascara brush or similar tool. Move loose hairs into place and blend color for a more natural appearance.
When you are finished with the filling process, with the help of upward strokes, brush the brows back into the place. Prefer using an eyebrow brush for this purpose as this will help soften and shade the eyebrow pencil coloring to make it look more natural.
To see the natural line of the eyebrow and where it needs to be filled, comb your brow with the help of an eyebrow brush or a toothbrush in the direction in which it grows.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Makeup for Dark Skin Tips - Make up for Dark Complexion

Makeup for Dark Skin Tips - Make up for Dark Complexion

Compared to fair skin, dark-colored skin is more resilient because of having more pigments. Dark skin can even withstand the exposure to the sunlight and even appear to be even much hardier. During the early years, men tend to discriminate their fellowmen who have dark skin. But now in the recent years, people who have dark skin have prove their worth to the world. And that possessing dark skin can also be flawless, healthy and clear and can look beautiful as well. Wearing makeup for dark skin have also become possible in the recent years.

Suitable Color Makeup for dark skin

For color foundation, it is essential to use a liquid or creamy one that is not oily instead a water-based one. If you have a dark skin with so many yellow pigments, please use the foundation product that is not an orange-based. A good concealer and a sheer foundation can help your skin to look or appear perfectly with illusion. However the foundation or the concealer should not be lighter than the tone of your skin. Please try to use the one that is close enough to your normal skin color. Compared to fair or lighter skins, makeup for dark skin should be lighter as dark skins have the tendency of showing up the layers of makeup when applied. It is important to focus on the blending of makeup for dark skin. One tip is adding a water drop on the foundation before applying on the dark skin can also help. In doing this, do the mixing on the back of your hand before the application. The effect can be seen during the daylight.
Using a light-colored powder after the application of foundation is also possible. This technique will give your skin a sheen that is not too heavy. Do not apply powder too much on your skin especially on the area of the eyes. Excess powder should always be dust off.

Color Blusher for Dark Skin

Color blusher is also part of doing makeup for dark skin but with applicable colors of course that will match your skin tone. The advisable color blushers makeup for dry skin is deep orange, rose and coral. Do not wear blushers that are colored with peach or brown shades if you have dark skin as these will not match your skin tone. However, if you have a very dark skin tone, you can use the color of rose pink for your blush-ons during the daytime and the colors of wine, plum and bronze during night time. In putting on blusher makeup for dry skin, blending over the cheekbones should be given enough attention to avoid overdoing. Make sure that the blending is perfect enough to brighten the skin tone of the dark skin. The color of gold is also perfect during night time as makeup for dark skin.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Celebrities without Makeup

Celebrities without Makeup

Without any makeup on our face, we tend to appear pale and dull to other people. Some find it every simple if we don’t wear makeup. However, if you are an ordinary person and does not belong in the world of celebrities, it’s proper to be simple and wear no make up.
Makeup always gives that awesome look on our face and wearing it is always a must for the celebrities especially if he or she is a popular one. One reason why celebrities need to wear makeup is for them to appear attractive for the public. They need to look exactly the same the way they look on their publicity photos as well as with their magazine spreads. Celebrities would always be a public property so it is very essential for them to look at their best.

Facing Life for the Celebrities without Makeup

There are few celebrities who do not need much of makeup when going out because they have this amazing and attractive look that does not require retouches. However, there are some celebrities (some are even popular ones) who look very worst when they put makeup on. Search the Internet place for the list of some famous celebrities who were caught in the act by the camera at their simplest moment without makeup on the face. Through here, you can tell who appear dull, simple, and attractive even without makeup on.
Makeup would always play a major role in the world of celebrities and stars because it helps them to achieve that perfect picture and flawless look. Without the makeup, these celebrities and stars are just ordinary people like you who just look ordinary or simple once you take a glimpse of them. Life for the celebrities and stars would be hard without makeup. Makeup makes their skin and face perfect without any blemishes and wrinkles. It also helps them make their lips to be in perfect shade.
On the contrary, there’s no such words as “timeless beauty” and “forever young” because humans are intended to grow old an experienced those blemishes and wrinkles that usually appear as we ages. Most celebrities use some makeup techniques to take advantage of the miracle of makeup. Makeup just help enhance our natural beauty and does not do magic on making you beautiful or making your age lines disappear.

Monday, March 28, 2011

How to Apply Bridal Makeup - Indian Bridal Makeup Tips

Bridal Makeup Tips and Advice

In bridal makeup, bright and neon colors must be avoided... they simply scream out of photos, but do not go to
Indian Bridal Makeup Tips
the opposite side. Every woman whether in india or elsewhere, therefore, must have knowledge of bridal makeup and of things required for indian bridal makeup, because beauty clinics are not available in small towns or villages.

The bright day of your wedding it is not proper to use gray. All the effort put in to making your skin look radiant will go to the trashcan because gray makes skin look ashy. The best bet for your makeup in the big day is to choose a neutral or true color.

Use a professional makeup artist if possible. Have a pre-wedding consultation so your makeup artist already knows what you want
Have your makeup done as close to the ceremony as possible
Have a facial two weeks prior to your wedding. If you've not had facials in the past we would recommend you start this process 3-4 months prior to your wedding.
Use a primer before applying your foundation. This will make your foundation last longer. It is also a good idea to use an eye primer to eliminate shadow creasing
Make certain your foundation is an exact match to your skin tone
Use powdered rice papers to eliminate any shine
Use a light to medium lipstick that is long wearing. If you will be having black and white photos then add a layer of lip gloss
Start applying your favorite lipstick shade. To last for all day, use lip pencil and then go for filling in with lipstick. Add some gloss to your lips for a great impact. Long lasting lipstick will stand you in good stead.
When applying your makeup wear a button shirt that can be easily removed when its time to dress.
Place a towel over your head prior to slipping into your gown to avoid getting makeup on your gown.
If you've had your hair professionally done and you will be removing your veil, then have the stylist show your mom or bridesmaids how to fix your style.
A week before your wedding rehearse your makeup - practice, practice, and practice some more, until you perfect the look you want for your wedding day.
Choose a hairstyle that will suit your face shape. Round faces will look good on high 'up dos' and sleek long styles while long faces suit styles that have width and volume.
If your wearing sandals then about a month before your wedding start your foot treatment so your feet look as good as the rest of you.
Do not do your own makeup. Have a professional makeup artist or a friend do it. Chances are you've got a bit of the jitters with all the excitement which could result in you having difficulties doing your own makeup
Don't make your foundation thick like a mask. Light for overall eveness is best.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Organic Makeup

Organic Makeup

Nowadays, our technology had been creating products and elements that give protection to our skin and body. Based on a recorded statistics, the world is spending about 6 to 20 percent of disposable income when it comes to products that protect the skin. One reason for this is that skin is the most important part of our body that should well taken care of and protected of. In as much, we would want our skin to preserve its longevity and youth. Well, to be able to this, organic makeup or natural cosmetics will give the solution.

Facts about Organic Makeup

There are many cosmetic products that claim to be safe or appear to be safe however some of them only give short term benefits of utilization. Some of them only give long term effects for daily absorption. Some may contain chemicals that are harmful to the skin. Some are supposed to treat dry skin but in the end will just give result of defeating the skin’s natural glow.
The best alternative for above cases would organic makeup, which gives natural effects on the skin. Organic makeup is healthier and safer alternative to the traditional makeup that we used because it contains genuine natural ingredients. When we say natural ingredients, these are derived from the complete natural ingredients and free from any single amount of artificial and chemical additives. However, you also need to be cautious in using products that claim to be natural because there could still be small amounts of plant extracts but the bulk content can be mostly petroleum based on loaded fragrances.
For more assurance, the Organic makeup Company carries all ranges of cosmetic products of high quality, affordable and simple where you can choose from. Its cosmetic products are carefully formulated from richly-colored mineral pigments, barks and spices, essential oils from flowers, plant oils and plant waxes.
Using organic makeup can help your skin to avoid skin harmful chemicals that may result to many skin problems such as allergies, irritations, contact dermatitis, and acne. Generally, organic makeup is harmoniously combination of carefully selected mineral and plant ingredients, and powerful antioxidants and botanical extracts for a highly, gentle and pure effective makeup solution.

Apply Makeup Brushes

Makeup brushes play a very important world of cosmetics because they help the application of makeup easier and flawlessly. There are different kinds of makeup brushes that you can use whereas every kind has its own function on how to apply. To be exact, there are five makeup brushes that are recommended when applying your favorite cosmetics. So, don’t buy those expensive makeup brushes as these are not that needed on the basic makeup applications.

Good makeup brushes give you more varieties with your makeup applications plus they are easier to wield and hold. These brushes are even more controllable and give a natural finish on your makeup. So if you’re a beauty geek or a makeup artist, start buying your five makeup brushes that you can use for your own everyday use. Do not be a mere handful of buying tons of makeup brushes that do not have that important function in the world of makeup applications.

Types of Makeup Brushes

The simple eyeliner brush has a stiffer hold compared to angled eyeliner brushes. With its stiffness, this brush is excellent in defining the upper lashline of the eye with shadow. The brush can also be used for softer finish of the pencil eyeliner.
The definition brush of many brands is best for defininig the cease of the eye makeup. It even makes th eyes appear wider apart with just the use of medium shades. The brush is also great for the application of color wash all over the eyelid such as silvery gray, purple, or mossy green.
There is also the point concealer brush that really helps in covering skin blemishes and imperfections that our fingertips cannot do when applying concealers. This brush even helps balancing the discoloration of your under-eye circles as well as the inner cease of your eyelids and the base of your nose.
The blush brush is used with powdered blush that you can apply in circular motion to the roundest part of your cheeks. This trick is very great as you don’t need to add more powder in upsweeping the blush towards your hairline.
The line softerner foam-tip brush will give a shimmery light shadow both for pale and deeper complexions. This trick can help brighten your eyes and makes you look awake and fresh, which is pefect for the first morning day of the week.