Showing posts with label Hair Styles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hair Styles. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Healthy Living Tips

Healthy Living Tips

Healthy living is available to everyone, and does not depend on buying the latest diet book or the most expensive vitamins. Regular exercise can prevent and reverse age-related decreases in muscle mass and strength, improve balance, flexibility, and endurance, and decrease the risk of falls in the elderly. Regular exercise can help prevent coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. It seems that everyone is concerned with healthy living these days. This is a good thing; it is important to be concerned with your health and to look for better strategies to improve your life. The most important group of foods, and the one that is most often the cause of poor diets, is fruit and vegetables. There is nothing particularly innovative about this advice; everyone knows that you need to eat your fruit and vegetables. Healthy living choices are affected by where you live, work, learn and play. Keeping yourself informed about positive health practices within your environment is an important way to improve your overall health and sense of well-being.

Healthy Living Tips for Kids

1. Help children avoid unintentional injuries.
2. Make sure your children receive regular check-ups and have their shots on schedule.
3. Teach your children good health habits like regularly washing their hands, good oral hygiene.
4. Talk with your children and be involved in their lives and schoolwork.
5. Talk to your children about drugs and teach them before they begin experimenting on their own. The older they get, the more information they need.
6. Teach your children basic water safety techniques and how to swim. It could save their lives.
7. Regular exercise can prevent and reverse age-related decreases in muscle mass and strength, improve balance, flexibility, and endurance, and decrease the risk of falls in the elderly.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Makeup Articles - Makeup Application Tips

Makeup Articles - Makeup Application Tips

To make sure you select the right color foundation, choose three shades that you think are about right and stick each one over your face and under your jaw lines. Only one will completely disappear on your skin and that is the color you should bye.
Ignore out-of-date taboos – when it comes to color anything goes. If you want an natural look, stick to shades traditionally associated with your skin tone ( warm tones for yellow based skins and color once for pink skins ), but if you really want to make an entrance, choose the opposite extreme. Redheads, for example will make a far bolder statement in cool aqua eyeshadow or a piercing pink lipstick than in an earthy brown.
Hair is a slightly more complex equation, as your skin tone will always limit your results. Blonde hair against a very olive skin can leave you looking nauseous, while raven locks on an English rose will look more go thick than alluring.
Lip gloss, clear or tinted, can be worn alone to create a natural sheen or over lip colours for a lacquered finish.

Lip liner, should be used primarily to shade rather than outline the lips. It also acts as a great fixative for lipstick.

Pencils are a must for defining eyes and shaping brows. Always look for a soft pencil which will glide along smoothly.

Nail Polish, whether in neutral or bright colours, gives a well-groomed look.

Colour correctors can be used if you have problems such as broken blood vessels or a ruddy complexion which cannot be covered with a normal concealer.

Lipstick, whatever the shade, can help protect the lips, provided that it contains a sun 12 protection factor and hydrators.

Moisture, is great if your skin requires minimal coverage and you find foundation too heavy. In the summer choose one with a sun protection factor.

Mascara, accentuates the lashes, helping to frame the eyes. For the best results, two fine coats are better than one single, heavy-handed application.

Eyeliner, is essential for transforming daytime make-up into a glamorous evening look, but it does require precision application.

Eye shadow, in striking, slightly shimmering tones, applied with a light hand, can give the face an air of lumrnosity.

Concealer, in a retractable stick will give better coverage and last longer than creamy formulations. Look for a shade with yellow undertone to suit your skin tone.

Loose powder, must be super-fine to ensure it creates a barely there finish and looks as natural as possible once applied.

Foundation, is essential to smooth the skin and disguise imperfections. Dry skin needs a creamy formulation and oily skin will benefit from an oily skin will benefit from an oil-free compact or liquid foundation. For superior coverage, choose a liquid or stick foundation.

The Minimalist's Makeup Routine

1. Apply concealer to uneven areas, like under the eyes, and blend.
2. Wipe a combination powder-foundation formula in a compact over the face.
3. Apply lipstick

Makeup Articles - Choosing a Foundation

Makeup Articles - Choosing a Foundation

Skin tone determines what looks best. When it comes to foundation, choose a colour that matches the skin along the jaw. That way it blends into the neck without leaving a line of demarcation. If the skin is too ruddy, use something with a yellow base to neutralize the redness. If the skin is too olive, I suggest bringing in colours like pinks or plums in the blush or lips to brighten the face. A foundation that is too pink does not look good on olive skin.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Makeup Articles - Moisturizing

Makeup Articles - Moisturizing

Long gone are the days when moisturizer was nothing but a simple pot of cold cream (although many a dermatologist will tell you that simple cold cream is all your skin requires). Today, thanks to revolutions in skincare technology, creams at both ends of the market contain ingredients that are anti-ageing, anti-pollutant, anti-ultraviolet and antioxidant, to name but a few. No longer then humble potion knocked up in someone’s kitchen, today’s skincare has huge scientific laboratories and scores of researchers working behind it. We now not only understand the composition and function of human skin, but can also simulate it, making it possible to deliver active ingredients right into its deepest layers. The sceptic once sneered at the idea that creams could penetrate so deeply; today the Food and Drugs Administration in the USA keeps tight checks on all ingredients, in case something that is strong enough to be classed as a prescription drug is passed off as a simple face cream.
While there is a moisturizer in every texture and for every skin type, they always fall into two main categories: these are humectants and occlusives. The humectants variety draws water up from inside the dermis to hydrate the superficial layers, or attracts it from the surrounding atmosphere. There are oil-free water mulsions for oily skins (look for products labelled non-comedogenic as these help prevent unsightly break-outs) and water-in-oil formulations for drier skins. Whatever your skin type, a good tip is to make sure that your face is slightly damp before you apply moisturizer - this will make it go further, and remove the temptation to slap on great globules of unnecessary product.

Makeup Articles - Hair Care Advice

Makeup Articles - Hair Care Advice

Hair says as much about our personal style and psyche as our choice of make-up or the clothes we wear. It is also a direct barometer of how good we feel about ourselves: if our hair looks great, we approach the day with attitude (quite literally with our head held up); on a bad hair day we feel utter misery and lack of confidence. The cult status of the ‘celebrity hairdresser’ speaks volumes about the importance of hair to today’s women - and explains why Orlando Pita, John Frieda, Nicky Clarke et al. have become household names allover the world.
While having great hair once meant having hair that was shiny, manageable and well cut, today’s hair is more about individual statement and expression. Your hair should set you apart from the group, not bind you to it (think 1960s bob worn as an identity badge). Today’s star hairdressers are distinguished not so much by a trademark cut as by shaping and enhancing the unique potential of each individual client. ‘You have to have a hairstyle that first and foremost suits you,’ says John Frieda. ‘It has to fit into your timeframe and say who you are. 

Makeup Articles - Hair Accessories

Makeup Articles - Hair Accessories

These days every head-turning fashion is to knows the power of an eye-catching hair accessory. Thanks to the Johnnie Loves Rosie cult, everything from oversized flowers to feathers to sparkling butterfly clips to iridescent hair jewels will add instant glamour to your overall look. Whether you are wearing a bikini or an evening dress, you will not feel dressed without one.
For long hair: turn your hair upside down, roughly dry it and backcomb the underneath for volume. Pull your hair into a tight top knot. Then add a huge flower, either behind the ear secured with a grip, or into the band holding the pony tail. Real flowers look best, but there are bouquets of fake ones to choose from.
For short hair: using styling gel (wet-look works well), twist your hair into small peaks all over your head. Use a glittery hair slide right at the front in the centre of your forehead for instant effect.
For straight hair: part your hair neatly to one side, then attach jewelled kir by grips at s-cm (2-in) intervals down the length of your hair, on the opposite side to your parting.
For curly hair: scatter sparkling butterfly clips through your hair.
For any hair: try some of the marvellous glitter sprays and gels that greet you at every pharmacy and department store. They look wonderful applied around the hairline and down the sides of your hair, and complement the trend for sparkling make-up.
Up-and-coming : it does not matter what shape your face is - you can wear whatever style you like, as long as you wear it with confidence.’ And even if nature gave you poker-straight locks, you can always crimp it then strew it with dazzling jewels for an enchanted evening. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Makeup Articles - Hair Extensions

Makeup Articles - Hair Extensions

Once, having long hair required years of patient growing. Today, if a girl wants long hair she can have it now. Creative talent in the hair care industry means that extensions so natural that even you will not be able to tell them apart from your own locks are readily available at most salons. If you tire of your gamine crop, all you need are a couple of spare hours and an appointment.
Not all hair extensions are the same, so make sure you choose the right ones for your hair. People with fine hair usually opt for ’stick-in’ extensions, which are glued to the roots of your own hair. While these pump up your volume in a big way, there is a long-term downside to this method: added weight can cause the hair to snap, so you can end up with less than you started with. Everyday tasks like washing your hair become somewhat difficult, so it is only worth opting for these extensions if you are prepared to maintain them with regular salon visits. If your hair is reasonably thick, weaving may be the best answer. Strands of hair are woven into your own tresses. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hair Loss in Women

Hair Loss in Women

Hair loss can be temporary or long lasting. Hair loss can counterfeit men, women and children. Hair Loss affects nearly one-third of all susceptible women. Female-pattern hair loss refers to the most common presentation seen in women and tends to be disseminate. The most common type of hair loss seen in women is androgenetic alopecia, also known as female pattern alopecia or baldness. It is most commonly seen after menopause, though it may initiate as early as puberty. Normal hair fall is about 100-125 hairs per day. Hair loss in woman can be extremely desolating. The physical and emotional inconvenience and pain a woman experiences can make hair loss an awful lot more difficult.
DHT is liable for the miniaturization (shrinking) and gradual disappearance of affected hair follicles. In the case of women, pattern baldness may begin later and the results may be less extreme because of the influence of female hormones. Alopecia is the clinical term for excessive or abnormal hair loss. There are various kinds of alopecia. It is believed to be caused by insufficiencies in the immune system but much is still not known about the condition. In many cases the hair regrows voluntarily after a variable period of time, but in a minority of cases the problem may be more severe and longstanding. Telogen effluvium second most common cause of women's hair loss and this is unsurprising given the temper of the condition.
Telogen effluvium is differentiated by a general thinning of the hair and is usually brought about as a result of some traumatic event. Some of the more common causes of hair loss in a woman involve: starting or stopping the birth control pill; postpartum depression; pre and early post menopausal periods. The most common treatment for hair loss is a 2 percent solution of minoxidil (Rogaine). It is successful for 44 percent to 63 percent of women. Minoxidil was first used in tablet form as a medicine to treat high blood pressure (an antihypertensive). Cimetidine has been used to cure hirsuitism in women (excess facial hair growth) and has been studious in women with androgenic alopecia showing promising results. Hair transplants - Results are not as good in women as in men.

Hair Loss Treatment - Get rid of hair loss

Hair Loss Treatment - Get rid of hair loss

Hair loss usually develops gradually and may be erratic or diffuse. Hair loss can affect men, women and children. Baldness typically refers to excess hair loss from your scalp. It affects nearly one-third of all susceptible women, but is most normally seen after menopause, though it may begin as early as puberty. Approximately 25% of men start to bald by the time they are 30 years old, and about two-thirds are either bald or have a balding pattern by age 60. Hair Loss affects nearly one-third of all susceptible women. Female-pattern hair loss refers to the most common presentation seen in women and tends to be diffuse. Certain infections can cause hair loss. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss in children.
The infection is easily cured with antifungal medicines. Nervous habits such as incessant hair pulling or scalp rubbing. Some medications which have hair loss as a side effect may be dictated for men. Stress can cause hair loss is some people. Poor eating can conduce to hair loss. Depending on your type of hair loss, treatments are present. The effectiveness of medications used to treat alopecia based on the cause of hair loss, degree of the loss and individual response. Finasteride medication to treat male-pattern baldness is taken regularly in pill form. Many people taking finasteride experience a reduction of hair loss. Surgery is another technique of reversing hair loss and baldness, though it may be regarded an extreme measure.
Topical application of ketoconazole, that is both an anti-fungal and a potent 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, is often used as a adjunct to other methods. The oral medication Propecia (finasteride) is effectual in some men. Stress reduction may be helpful in slowing hair loss. Taking a balanced, healthy diet is essential for a lot of reasons, and it really benefits your hair. Hair transplants and scalp reduction surgery are available to treat androgenetic alopecia when more reactionary measures have failed. Don't rub your hair too forcefully with a towel, either. Many hair experts propose you consider putting away the blow-dryer and air drying your hair instead. Hair weaves, hair pieces, or changes of hair style may pretense hair loss. This is usually the least expensive and safest procedure to hair loss.

Hair Loss in Men

Hair Loss in Men

The most common form of hair loss, striking 30 to 40 percent of men and women. Most men experience at least some extent of hair loss in their lifetime. Male hair loss is the most common type of hair loss. It is caused by increased sensitivity to male sex hormones (androgens) in irrefutable parts of the scalp, and is passed on from generation to generation. Alopecia or common male pattern baldness (MPB) accounts for more than 95% of hair loss in men. By the age of thirty-five two-thirds of American men will experience some degree of perceivable hair loss and by the age of 50 approximately 85% of men have significantly thinning hair. The hair loss is usually confined to a coin sized area and all the hair in the area is lost leaving a totally smooth round patch.
In a more acute rarer condition called Alopecia Totalis, all hair on the entire body is lost, including the eyelashes. Specific infections can cause hair loss. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss in children. The infection is easily medicated with antifungal medicines. Some medications which have hair loss as a side effect may be prescribed for men. Stress can cause hair loss is some people. Normally it occurs 3 months after the stressful event has happened and it may take 3 months after the stress period has ended for the hair growth to resume. In men, androgenetic alopecia is classified by gradual hair thinning that most often affects the crown and frontal areas of the scalp. In many men, the hairline around the temples retrogresses. As it moves back to the midscalp, an M-shaped hair pattern forms.
The hair in areas affected by hair loss may be of different lengths and thickness, and the presence of uneven lengths and texture is a classic sign of male pattern balding. Plastic surgery can be the only trustworthy way to replace lost hair, and techniques for restoring hair growth are constantly improving. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment will cause hair loss as it pauses hair cells from dividing. Hairs become thin and break off as they exit the scalp. Finasteride reduces the level of a hormone, dihydrotestosterone, in the blood, consequenting in an increased amount of hair covering more of the scalp. Spironolactone obstructs the action of the hormone aldosterone. Finasteride (Propecia) is a medicine taken in tablet form which partly barricades the effects of the male hormones.

Hair Loss in Children

Hair Loss in Children

Hair loss in children is more common than most people actualize. It is significant enough that approximately 2 Million children suffer from at least one form of Alopecia (hair loss) or another in the United States alone. Some newborns appear with enough hair to carpet a room, whereas others present with a shiny pate. Though most lose hair (sometimes all of it) over the first three months of life, some revive their birth endowment. Presently children's hair loss is responsible for about 3% of all pediatric office visits in this country. Children are subject to different causes of hair loss. The most common cause is a clear physiologic pause in hair growth. Termed "telogen" phase, the hair goes through spurs and lags in growth just as does the whole body.
During the rest facet between spurts, the bulb at the end of the hair root decreases in volume and the hair becomes loose. The tinea capitis infection is the most common reason of hair loss in children. Children with tinea capitis normally have patchy hair loss with some broken-off hairs viewable just above the surface of the scalp. The patches of hair loss are generally round or oval, but betimes irregular. Occassionally the hairs are broken right at the surface, and look like little black dots on the scalp. Alopecia areata is another common form of patchy hair loss in children. The typical story is the unexpected appearance of one or more totally bald areas in the scalp. The child with this situation loses hair in circular patches sometimes up to two inches in diameter.
Nearly 3% of paediatric office visits concern problems of hair loss in children. The main cause is possibly a fungal infection of the scalp, but not always. The emotional effects of hair loss are usually significantly more distressing on children than on adults. Trauma to the hair shaft is another common reason of hair loss in children. Usually the trauma is caused by traction or by friction annuling against a bed or wheelchair for example). It can also be due to chemicals burns. Another common cause of hair loss in children telogen effluvium. An individual hair follicle has a long growth phase, producing constantly growing hair for 2 to 6 years. In telogen effluvium, something happens to suspend this normal life cycle and to throw many or all of the hairs into the telogen phase.
Many different happenings can cause telogen effluvium, including, extremely high fevers and surgery under general anesthesia. Tinea capitis is generally cured with an antifungal, such as griseofulvin, which is taken by mouth for 8 weeks. Treatment for children's traction Alopecia is to handle the hair softly, as little as possible, and use natural hair styles. Alopecia areata is an capricious disease and even with complete remission it is possible for it to occur again during your child's life. Hair pulling is usually treated with cognitive/behavioral therapy or resting techniques, which can be very valuable. As long as the hair trauma was not serious or chronic sufficient to cause scarring, the hair will re-grow when the trauma is stopped.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hair Loss Diet

Hair Loss Diet

Alopecia is the clinical or technical name for hair loss. It affects around one-third of all susceptive women, but is most commonly seen after menopause, though it may begin as early as puberty. Normal hair fall is nearly 100-125 hairs per day. Luckily, these hairs are replaced. Losing hair can be nerve-racking during a time when appearance really matters, but the good news is that hair loss that happens during the teen years is often temporary. Some medicines help in slowing or preventing common nudeness. Diets which lowers your testosterone levels would assist logically. Vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron. Take in a good amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet. Vitamin E is substantial for vigorous hair growth. Have nuts, avocados and olive oil regularly.
Vitamin C is significant to producing collagen, a connective tissue that gives structure by holding tissues in the body together, such as the tissue in hair. Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, deficiencies are related with an increased production of sebum (oil produced by the hair follicles). Biotin is present in yeast, grains, liver, rice, milk, egg yolk, liver, kidney, soy and barley. Niacin (B3) food sources contain brewer's yeast, wheat germ, fish, chicken, turkey and meat. Silica is available in the outer coverings of potatoes, green and red peppers and cucumbers. Bean sprouts are also high in silica. Eat whole foods including sprouts. If hair loss is because of thyroid dysfunction, eat more foods rich in vitamin A and iodine.
Protein is essential for every cell in the body, including the cells required in normal hair growth. Dandruff and hair loss are both conditions concomitanted with zinc deficiency. Eat vegetables such as carrots or spinach in unrefined, cold-pressed seed oils such as flax, walnut or pumpkin seed and sea salt. Take turnips, cabbage, mustard, soy beans, peanuts, pine nuts and millet if there is a scantiness of iodine. Zinc is a mineral which aggravates cell reproduction and tissue growth and repair. Zinc also functions in the perpetuation of the oil-secreting glands attached to hair follicles. The testimonial daily intake of zinc is 15 milligrams for an average adult. Good sources of zinc are foods of animal origin, including seafood. Good nutrition also refers to eating fewer calories from saturated fats and sweets.

Hair Loss Exercises

Hair Loss Exercises

Hair loss results from different reasons. The main reason, nonetheless, in most cases is an improper diet more than hormonal imbalance. The diet and exercise take care of the increase of your hair. In most of cases, scalp exercises are used to prevent hair loss. Patients should do massage the scalp with the fingers. The best exercise that anybody (read any body) can get is a combination of walks and stretches with few 'relax-periods' in between. Yoga has a good combination of stretching exercise with that miraculous 'shava asana' that relaxes the body. It is very effective to increase in the elasticity and flexibility of the scalp. There is a positive relation between male pattern baldness and a tight scalp. It has a very useful effect on the hair cycle.
The hair follicles are keeping by this exercise in the growing stage of the cycle. This technique is also known as homeostasis. The whole scalp may be pervaded with blood after five minutes of the scalp exercise. There can be lymph fluid and frequent blood flow into the epicranial area. This lymph fluid and quicker blood flow into the whole scalp may flush out metabolic waste products. The inflammation around the follicles can be eliminated by this exercise. It has a very useful influence on the hair cycle. The hair follicles are keeping by this exercise in the growing phase of the cycle. This procedure is also known as homeostasis.
After the exercise, the hair follicles become normal, natural and healthy. And the body maintains a healthy equilibrium with proper diet, proper exercise and proper health habits. Exercise is not meant for people who are obese, it's meant for everyone. There can be lymph fluid and quicker blood flow into the epicranial area. This lymph fluid and quicker blood flow into the whole scalp may flush out metabolic waste products. The inflammation around the follicles can be eliminated by this exercise. It has a very useful effect on the hair cycle. The hair follicles are keeping by this exercise in the growing stage of the cycle. This procedure is also known as homeostasis. During the scalp exercise, this increases the flow of blood and movement of the whole scalp.

Hair Loss Home Remedies

Hair Loss Home Remedies

Hair Loss affects nearly one-third of all susceptible women. Hair loss can happen if male or female hormones, named as androgens and estrogens, are out of balance. Hormones both prompt hair growth and cause hair loss, hormonal changes by far have the biggest impact on hair loss. Certain illnesses and diseases may also cause hair loss or hair shedding. Examples include anemia, low thyroid hormone levels, lupus, and former cancer. Certain infections can cause hair loss. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss in children. The infection is easily cured with antifungal medicines. Certain medications that have hair loss as a side effect can be recommended for teens. These involve acne medicines like isotretinoin, and lithium, that is used to treat bipolar disorder.
Losing hair can be demanding during a time when appearance really matters, but the good news is that hair loss that happens during the teen years is often temporary. Specific medicines help in slowing or preventing common baldness. Diets which minimize your testosterone levels would help logically. Vitamin C helps in the assimilation of iron. There are many herbs and remedies is benefitial and reduce the scalp and prevent hair. Hair Loss home remedy treatment is quite effective. Amla oil, prepared by boiling dry pieces of amla in coconut oil, is considered a effective hair tonic for fecundating hair growth. Use lavender or lemon shampoo if your hair are oily and if dry, apply titri oil or rosemary shampoo too. For nurturing your hair, apply coconut milk all over your scalp and massage it into the hair roots.
Drink 10-12 glasses of water daily and have a high protein diet with lots of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Lettuce is effective in preventing hair loss. A mixture of lettuce and spinach juice is considered to help the growth of hair if taken to the extent to half a litre a day. Massage of aloe Vera gel or coconut milk over the scalp. Take the powder of shana seeds and a few drops of essential oils such as sesame oil, coconut oil or castor oil. Mix both of them well and make a paste. Use this paste on scalp daily. Mustard oil boiled with heena (mehndi) leaves is helpful for the healthy growth of hair. Use lavender or lemon shampoo if your hair are oily and if dry, use titri oil or rosemary shampoo too.Two tablespoons of fenugreek (methi) seeds soaked overnight in water.

Hair Loss Diagnosis

Hair Loss Diagnosis

Hair loss can be temporal or long lasting. Alopecia areata is a hair-loss condition which generally affects the scalp. Alopecia areata influences both males and females. This type of hair loss is different than male-pattern baldness, an inherited condition. In men about 90% of all cases are caused by hereditary male pattern baldness. Male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss in men. It generally follows a typical pattern of receding hairline and hair thinning on the crown, and is caused by hormones and genetic predilection. Female pattern baldness includes a typical pattern of loss of hair in women, caused by hormones, aging, and genetic predisposition. Changes in the levels of androgens can affect hair production.
For example, after the hormonal alterations of menopause. Hair loss in patches, diffuse shedding of hair, breaking of hair shafts, or hair loss associated with redness, scaling, pain, or rapid progression could be caused by other conditions. Female pattern baldness is usually diagnosed based on the complexion and pattern of hair loss and by ruling out other causes of hair loss. Normally follicular units (natural hair groups) are made of preponderately of full-thickness, healthy terminal hair. Hair weaving, hairpieces, or change of hairstyle may masquerade the hair loss. This is usually the least expensive and safest technique for male baldness. Finasteride medication to treat male-pattern baldness is taken daily in pill form. Many people taking finasteride experience a slowing of hair loss.
Surgery is another method of transpose hair loss and baldness, though it can be regarded an extreme measure. Minoxidil used in tablet form as a medicine to cure high blood pressure. Minoxidil (Rogaine ) is treatment for hair loss in both men and women. Minoxidil was then tested for use as a topical application for regrowing hair. Hair transplants and scalp reduction surgery are available to treat androgenetic alopecia. Don't rub your hair too vigorously with a towel, either. Stress reduction can be helpful in slowing hair loss. Eating a balanced, healthy diet is important for a lot of reasons, and it really benefits your hair. L-Cysteine and L-methionine amino acids belived to improve quality, texture, and growth of hair.

Hair Loss Causes

Hair Loss Causes

Baldness or hair loss is naturally something only adults need to worry about. Hair loss may affect men, women and children. Female-pattern hair loss refers to the most common conferment seen in women and tends to be diffuse. The most common type of hair loss seen in women is androgenetic alopecia, also called as female pattern alopecia or baldness. It affects nearly one-third of all susceptible women, but is most commonly seen after menopause, though it can initiate as early as puberty. Normal hair fall is roughly 100-125 hairs per day. Providentially, these hairs are replaced. Losing hair can be stressful during a time when impression positively matters, but the good news is that hair loss which occurs during the teen years is often temporary.
Hormonal problems can cause hair loss. Hair loss may happen if male or female hormones, known as androgens and estrogens, are out of balance. Hormones both provoke hair growth and cause hair loss, hormonal changes by far have the biggest impact on hair loss. Certain infections may cause hair loss. Fungal infections of the scalp may cause hair loss in children. The infection is easily cured with antifungal medicines. Some medications which have hair loss as a side effect can be prescribed for teens. These contain acne medicines such as isotretinoin, and lithium, that is used to treat bipolar disorder. Trichotillomania is a psychological derangement in which people repeatedly pull their hair out, often leaving bald patches. It consequences in areas of baldness and damaged hairs of different lengths.
Women who have a genetic proclivity to suffer from Androgenic Alopecia can have it occur at a much younger age by taking birth control pills. The hormonal variations that occur trigger the onset of the Androgenic Alopecia. Hair loss can cause by both under active and overactive thyroid. In addition to the common male and female patterns from a mixture of these factors, other possible causes of hair loss, specially if in an unordinary pattern exists. Iron deficiency sometimes produces hair loss. Iron deficiency is common to women during menstruation and pregnancy and can be reformed through proper diet or iron supplements. Blow-drying can worsen hair loss. The reason is that extreme heat damages the proteins in the hairs making them flimsy and liable to break off.

Hair Loss and Thyroid

Hair Loss and Thyroid

Hair loss is a common infirmity of thyroid patients. Many factors subscribe to hair loss. Some of them are hormonal variations, nutritional deficiency, mental and physical stress and various types medical conditions. One major cause of hair loss is problems with the thyroid. The thyroid gland is located in the base of the neck on both sides of the lower part of the larynx (voice box) and is shaped like a butterfly. Hair loss because of thyroid disease is in the form of general thinning of the hair. Its patterns are not patchy or in any pattern, but typically increased shedding over the scalp. Many times, the hair loss will decrease or evanesce after the body has balanced itself, however it may take some time. There are two causes why people with thyroid disease experience hair loss.
The first has to do with the body's response to the disease. The other reason why people with thyroid disease suffer hair loss is due to their medications. Levothyroxine, also known as Synthroid, is a thyroid hormone alternate that many take who have thyroid disease. Post-partum thyroiditis is an inflammation of the thyroid gland which occurs following delivery, and it is appraised that this condition occurs in up to 20% of mothers. Women with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves' disease have an increased incidence of post-partum thyroiditis, which may revert with subsequent pregnancies. Thyroid nodules, or 'lumps' on the thyroid, are also more often in women than in men. The thyroid often functions normally in the setting of both benign and malignant nodules.
Multiple nodules within the same thyroid gland are normally benign. The TSH of around 1-2 is best for many people to neglect having symptoms of hyperthyroid such as hair loss. Thyroid disease recurs with much greater frequency in women than in men. Many various organ systems can be affected by the presence of abnormal levels of thyroid hormone resulting in a whole host of symptoms. Hair loss is the thwarting or frightening symptom of thyroid disease. People must confabulate with other people or online support group about hair loss with thyroid disease. Thyromine work well to provoke the metabolism, which is a key factor of your hair loss. Thyromine helps control your body's stress levels, increases the production of thyroid hormones and stimulates the immune system.

Alopecia Areata Treatment

Alopecia Areata Treatment

Alopecia areata is a hair-loss condition that generally affects the scalp. Alopecia areata may happen at any age, including in childhood. Alopecia areata influences both males and females. This type of hair loss is dissimilar than male-pattern baldness, an inherited condition. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease in which the body fallaciously treats its hair follicles as foreign tissue and suppresses or stops hair growth. As with most autoimmune diseases, Alopecia areata is related with increased risk of developing other autoimmune diseases, videlicetly systemic lupus erythematosus or SLE. Alopecia areata is erstwhile associated with other autoimmune conditions such as allergic disorders, thyroid disease, vitiligo, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and ulcerative colitis.
Betimes, alopecia areata occurs within family members, suggesting a role of genes and heredity. It occassionally starts after a stressful event. It affects 1-2% of the population. About 2% of people in the United States, many of them children, undergo from alopecia areata, a skin disorder that causes hair to fall out in patches. First symptoms are small, soft, bald patches that can take just about any shape but are most normally round. There are several various treatment options for alopecia areata. The most common is cognizance. Steroid injections are commonly used in sites where there are small areas of hair loss on the head or specially where eyebrow hair has been lost. Minoxidil has been used to elevate hair growth and has shown cosmetically acceptable results in 30% of cases.
Minoxidil does not stop the disease process so belaying applications after hair has started to grow back can cause the hair to fall out again. Triamcinolone acetonide (Kenalog) is used most commonly. The most successful treatment to date has been immunotherapy. Immunotherapy works by enraging a contact allergic dermatitis in affected areas by applying a low concentration of a material to which the patient has been made allergic. This is most often diphenylcyclopropenone (diphencyprone). Avoid reinjecting areas of denting, that oftem is enough to allow atrophy to regress. Betamethasone dipropionate cream 0.05% (Diprosone) showed similar effectuality. Steroid pills, or a special form of ultraviolet light treatment (PUVA), are formerly worthwhile, but may result in side effects.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Combination Hair Care Tips

Combination Hair Care Tips

Hair plays a major role in defining the personality of any human being. Hair is a filamentous outgrowth of protein, present only on mammals. Hair is a exceptionally tough material but over time abuse can wreak havoc with its natural properties. Hair is composed mainly of proteins (88%). These proteins are of a hard fibrous kind known as keratin. There are many different types of hair. There are curly ones and direct-falling ones. Some hair types are more prone to the assemblage of sebum (the natural oils that our skin secretes) than others, while some hair types are just naturally dry.
Combination hair is greasy at the roots but dry and sometimes disunion at the ends. Reasons of combination hair is over-exposure to sunlight ,overuse of heat-styling equipment ,such repeated abuse often stimulates a reaction in sebum secretion at the roots and a partial alteration in the scales, which can no longer fulfil their protective role.
The hair ends hence become dry. It is normally fairly long and the hair nearest the head is greasy awhile the ends are dry. If your hair is combination don't use the intense, most severe shampoo possible. Wiping away all of your sebum and drying out the scalp will only be temporary; your scalp.
Do not use too much shampoo to wash your hair. Use the shampoo directly on the scalp and just let the suds flow to the edges of your hair. Never apply the shampoo straight to the tips as the shampoo will wash off the oil that your hair tips need so much. Softly use your fingers or a pick to untangle any knots while your hair is drying.
Coloring your hair is another hair treatment choice. Void sleeping in hair accessories such as barrettes, scrunchies, head bands, etc. Never overclean your hair's tips and be careful in handling them. Wash the shampoo off carefully and wholly until it is not slippery any longer.

Combination Hair Care Tips

1. Avoid shampoos that contain sodium laurel sulfate, or sodium laureth sulfate.
2. A hot oil treatment to deep condition your hair. Warm oil penetrates the hair shaft making the hair more flexible and giving it shine.
3. Eat right and consider taking vitamin and mineral supplements to encourage healthy hair.
4. Use a wide toothed comb, or your fingers to work with your hair.
5. Avoid sleeping in hair accessories such as barrettes, scrunchies, head bands, etc.
6. Hot air can be damaging to your hair so when using a hair dryer use the cool setting.
7. Apply the mixture of an egg white, 2 spoon of castor oil, 1 spoon glycerin, in the scalp and hair.
8. Coloring your hair is another hair treatment option. Color your hair regularly.

Hair Cutting Tips and Advice

Hair Cutting Tips and Advice

Hair that is one length all the way around is a plainspoken trim. Hair is a natural role of genetic makeup, but can also be considered the main ingredient that completes our look. Cutting wet hair (especially bangs) can result in a too-short style. It is also easier to cut clean hair. If your face is round, you want to decry fullness, and the most flattering styles will keep hair off your face.
Always use extremely sharp scissors. The type of shears you use is not that necessary as long as they are razor sharp. One of the most important hair cutting tips to need is your hair type. For multi-length hair, initiate with your bangs. Comb them straight, being cautious not to include side hairs. Don't attempt to trim too much length at once.
Maintaining shorter lengths for cutting (1/4-inch) keeps the hairs firmly in place as you cut. Ready the hair first by thoroughly combing or brushing out all the snarls and tangles. Thick hair and long hair may need to be wet first. Coarse and/or super-straight hair should presumably be left to the professionals. This hair shows no leniency and be forewarned; any mistake at all will be very noticeable. This type requires a trained hand/eye, patience, very sharp scissors and is definitely easier to be done by someone other than yourself anyhow.
One of the best ways to assure that you get best haircut, every time, is to give a good tip. If you have a long face, neglect the popular bob hairstyle, which draws attention to facial length-particularly in the chin area. Also remain away from short bangs and excess volume on top. If you have a square face, don't cut your hair too short.
Layers, attended by volume on the top and sides, soften your look. Length in the back consistently works, as do bangs-as long as they're soft and subtle. If your hair is all one length leaving out for the side angles, you will be working along the sides of your style only, front to nape.
Select a top layer or side piece of hair approximately the same size and thickness as you did for your bangs. This smaller amount is easiest to work with. Dealing with the back of your hair might seem crafty, but you'll get the hang of it. Not at all take but a little section at a time; very little when it's curly or really wavy, pulling it stiff from the scalp as you would do any haircut.
Straight hair is the most effortful to cut, since there's nowhere for mistakes to hide. Curly hair shortens the most after drying, betimes significantly.

Hair Cutting Tips

1. No, cutting thin or fine hair will not make it grow in thicker.
2. Curly hair shortens the most after drying, sometimes significantly.
3. Use the correct shampoo for your hair type. Not all hair is created equal.
4. Keep in mind that it will be shorter when it dries.
5. Curly hair shortens the most after drying, sometimes significantly.