Monday, February 28, 2011

Yorkshire Pudding

Yorkshire Pudding

1/2 lb of plain white flour
1 pint of full cream milk
1/4 teaspoon of salt
2 good tablespoons of
dripping from the beef
2 eggs

Sift the salt and the flour into a large bowl or basin. Make a well in the center and break the eggs into it. Add a small amount of milk and stir in the flour. This should be a gradual process bringing the flour down from the sides and adding more milk as is nessesary.

You should end up with a stiff batter consistancy. Beat this well for about 5 minutes adding the rest of the milk. Cover and leave to stand for 30 minutes. Put the dripping into a large Yorkshire pudding tin. Heat this in the oven until the dripping is hot, as in smoking hot.

Quickly pour the batter in minding for hot splashes of dripping and place in the top of the oven. 425 F. or gas mark 7 until it is nicely browned on the top. Turn down the heat to 375 F. or gas mark 5 and continue cooking on the bottom of the oven for 10 - 15 mins. Serve with a good onion gravy.

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