Thursday, February 17, 2011

Whiteheads Information and Treatment

Whiteheads Information and Treatment 

What are those wicked white spots that appear on our faces? They are called whiteheads. Whiteheads are a alliance of oils, sebum and cellular fragments that produce firm to hard plugs within hair follicles. Whiteheads are advanced by excessive cellular exfoliation, which quickly clog or block the follicles.

Whiteheads become isolated from the surface of the skin due to dead skin cells plugging the opening of the hair follicle. Milia (Whiteheads) are deep grounded white bumps which grows when skin cells and sebaceous matter become ensnared rather than exfoliate naturally.

Milia may arise anywhere on the skin and are likely around eye area and cheeks. Comedones and whiteheads are two dissimilar things. Comedones are blackheads( though they may be white, before oxidation and amassed for not too long a time) which are debris that clogged the hair-pores.   

Whiteheads are milia which are hard grain-like crystals which block the sweat pores. Every pore on your body produces oil, called sebum. Sebum lubricates and moisturizes your skin to keep it healthy. When a sebacious gland makes too much oil (sebum), the pore become swollen and clogged.

Milia tend to develop on thin, delicate skin site. It is must never to try and squeeze them, as you will only break the skin, causing infection and scarring. Whiteheads are the tiny, pearly white raised spots. These are the cumulation of sebum and keratin that plugs the opening of skin pore. These appear in the area where the skin is delicate and fine.

Treatment of whiteheads and blackheads takes time. Medications of Blackheads and Whiteheads includes the entouraging topical medications :Retinoids such as Adapalene (Differin), or Retinoic Acid (e.g. Retin A), Azelaic Acid (Azelex), Benzoyl Peroxide.

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